
ForecastModel.get_data(latitude, longitude, start, end, vert_level=None, query_variables=None, close_netcdf_data=True)[source]

Submits a query to the UNIDATA servers using Siphon NCSS and converts the netcdf data to a pandas DataFrame.


latitude: float

The latitude value.

longitude: float

The longitude value.

start: datetime or timestamp

The start time.

end: datetime or timestamp

The end time.

vert_level: None, float or integer, default None

Vertical altitude of interest.

query_variables: None or list, default None

If None, uses self.variables.

close_netcdf_data: bool, default True

Controls if the temporary netcdf data file should be closed. Set to False to access the raw data.


forecast_data : DataFrame

column names are the weather model’s variable names.