Get, read, and parse data from `PVGIS <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/pvgis>`_.
For more information, see the following links:
* `Interactive Tools <https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvg_tools/en/tools.html>`_
* `Data downloads <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/PVGIS/downloads/data>`_
* `User manual docs <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/PVGIS/docs/usermanual>`_
More detailed information about the API for TMY and hourly radiation are here:
* `TMY <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/PVGIS/tools/tmy>`_
* `hourly radiation
* `daily radiation <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/PVGIS/tools/daily-radiation>`_
* `monthly radiation
import io
import json
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from pvlib.iotools import read_epw, parse_epw
URL = 'https://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/api/'
# Dictionary mapping PVGIS names to pvlib names
'G(h)': 'ghi',
'Gb(n)': 'dni',
'Gd(h)': 'dhi',
'G(i)': 'poa_global',
'Gb(i)': 'poa_direct',
'Gd(i)': 'poa_sky_diffuse',
'Gr(i)': 'poa_ground_diffuse',
'H_sun': 'solar_elevation',
'T2m': 'temp_air',
'RH': 'relative_humidity',
'SP': 'pressure',
'WS10m': 'wind_speed',
'WD10m': 'wind_direction',
def get_pvgis_hourly(latitude, longitude, start=None, end=None,
raddatabase=None, components=True,
surface_tilt=0, surface_azimuth=180,
usehorizon=True, userhorizon=None,
peakpower=None, pvtechchoice='crystSi',
mountingplace='free', loss=0, trackingtype=0,
optimal_surface_tilt=False, optimalangles=False,
url=URL, map_variables=True, timeout=30):
"""Get hourly solar irradiation and modeled PV power output from PVGIS.
PVGIS data is freely available at [1]_.
latitude: float
In decimal degrees, between -90 and 90, north is positive (ISO 19115)
longitude: float
In decimal degrees, between -180 and 180, east is positive (ISO 19115)
start : int or datetime like, optional
First year of the radiation time series. Defaults to first year
end : int or datetime like, optional
Last year of the radiation time series. Defaults to last year
raddatabase : str, optional
Name of radiation database. Options depend on location, see [3]_.
components: bool, default: True
Output solar radiation components (beam, diffuse, and reflected).
Otherwise only global irradiance is returned.
surface_tilt: float, default: 0
Tilt angle from horizontal plane. Ignored for two-axis tracking.
surface_azimuth: float, default: 180
Orientation (azimuth angle) of the (fixed) plane. Clockwise from north
(north=0, east=90, south=180, west=270). This is offset 180 degrees from the
convention used by PVGIS. Ignored for tracking systems.
.. versionchanged:: 0.10.0
The `surface_azimuth` parameter now follows the pvlib convention, which
is clockwise from north. However, the convention used by the PVGIS website
and pvlib<=0.9.5 is offset by 180 degrees.
usehorizon: bool, default: True
Include effects of horizon
userhorizon : list of float, optional
Optional user specified elevation of horizon in degrees, at equally
spaced azimuth clockwise from north, only valid if ``usehorizon`` is
true, if ``usehorizon`` is true but ``userhorizon`` is not specified then
PVGIS will calculate the horizon [4]_
pvcalculation: bool, default: False
Return estimate of hourly PV production.
peakpower : float, optional
Nominal power of PV system in kW. Required if pvcalculation=True.
pvtechchoice: {'crystSi', 'CIS', 'CdTe', 'Unknown'}, default: 'crystSi'
PV technology.
mountingplace: {'free', 'building'}, default: free
Type of mounting for PV system. Options of 'free' for free-standing
and 'building' for building-integrated.
loss: float, default: 0
Sum of PV system losses in percent. Required if pvcalculation=True
trackingtype: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, default: 0
Type of suntracking. 0=fixed, 1=single horizontal axis aligned
north-south, 2=two-axis tracking, 3=vertical axis tracking, 4=single
horizontal axis aligned east-west, 5=single inclined axis aligned
optimal_surface_tilt: bool, default: False
Calculate the optimum tilt angle. Ignored for two-axis tracking
optimalangles: bool, default: False
Calculate the optimum tilt and azimuth angles. Ignored for two-axis
outputformat: str, default: 'json'
Must be in ``['json', 'csv']``. See PVGIS hourly data
documentation [2]_ for more info.
url: str, default: :const:`pvlib.iotools.pvgis.URL`
Base url of PVGIS API. ``seriescalc`` is appended to get hourly data
endpoint. Note, a specific PVGIS version can be specified, e.g.,
map_variables: bool, default: True
When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names
where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`.
timeout: int, default: 30
Time in seconds to wait for server response before timeout
data : pandas.DataFrame
Time-series of hourly data, see Notes for fields
inputs : dict
Dictionary of the request input parameters
metadata : dict
Dictionary containing metadata
If the request response status is ``HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST``, then
the error message in the response will be raised as an exception,
otherwise raise whatever ``HTTP/1.1`` error occurred
PVGIS provides access to a number of different solar radiation datasets,
including satellite-based (SARAH, SARAH2, and NSRDB PSM3) and re-analysis
products (ERA5). Each data source has a different geographical coverage and
time stamp convention, e.g., SARAH and SARAH2 provide instantaneous values,
whereas values from ERA5 are averages for the hour.
The azimuth orientation specified in the output metadata does not
correspond to the pvlib convention, but is offset 180 degrees. This is
despite the fact that the input parameter `surface_tilt` has to be
specified according to the pvlib convention.
data includes the following fields:
=========================== ====== ======================================
raw, mapped Format Description
=========================== ====== ======================================
*Mapped field names are returned when the map_variables argument is True*
P† float PV system power (W)
G(i), poa_global‡ float Global irradiance on inclined plane (W/m^2)
Gb(i), poa_direct‡ float Beam (direct) irradiance on inclined plane (W/m^2)
Gd(i), poa_sky_diffuse‡ float Diffuse irradiance on inclined plane (W/m^2)
Gr(i), poa_ground_diffuse‡ float Reflected irradiance on inclined plane (W/m^2)
H_sun, solar_elevation float Sun height/elevation (degrees)
T2m, temp_air float Air temperature at 2 m (degrees Celsius)
WS10m, wind_speed float Wind speed at 10 m (m/s)
Int int Solar radiation reconstructed (1/0)
=========================== ====== ======================================
†P (PV system power) is only returned when pvcalculation=True.
‡Gb(i), Gd(i), and Gr(i) are returned when components=True, otherwise the
sum of the three components, G(i), is returned.
See Also
pvlib.iotools.read_pvgis_hourly, pvlib.iotools.get_pvgis_tmy
>>> # Retrieve two years of irradiance data from PVGIS:
>>> data, meta, inputs = pvlib.iotools.get_pvgis_hourly( # doctest: +SKIP
>>> latitude=45, longitude=8, start=2015, end=2016) # doctest: +SKIP
.. [1] `PVGIS <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/pvgis>`_
.. [2] `PVGIS Hourly Radiation
.. [3] `PVGIS Non-interactive service
.. [4] `PVGIS horizon profile tool
""" # noqa: E501
# use requests to format the query string by passing params dictionary
params = {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'outputformat': outputformat,
'angle': surface_tilt, 'aspect': surface_azimuth-180,
'pvcalculation': int(pvcalculation),
'pvtechchoice': pvtechchoice, 'mountingplace': mountingplace,
'trackingtype': trackingtype, 'components': int(components),
'usehorizon': int(usehorizon),
'optimalangles': int(optimalangles),
'optimalinclination': int(optimal_surface_tilt), 'loss': loss}
# pvgis only takes 0 for False, and 1 for True, not strings
if userhorizon is not None:
params['userhorizon'] = ','.join(str(x) for x in userhorizon)
if raddatabase is not None:
params['raddatabase'] = raddatabase
if start is not None:
params['startyear'] = start if isinstance(start, int) else pd.to_datetime(start).year # noqa: E501
if end is not None:
params['endyear'] = end if isinstance(end, int) else pd.to_datetime(end).year # noqa: E501
if peakpower is not None:
params['peakpower'] = peakpower
# The url endpoint for hourly radiation is 'seriescalc'
res = requests.get(url + 'seriescalc', params=params, timeout=timeout)
# PVGIS returns really well formatted error messages in JSON for HTTP/1.1
# 400 BAD REQUEST so try to return that if possible, otherwise raise the
# HTTP/1.1 error caught by requests
if not res.ok:
err_msg = res.json()
except Exception:
raise requests.HTTPError(err_msg['message'])
return read_pvgis_hourly(io.StringIO(res.text), pvgis_format=outputformat,
def _parse_pvgis_hourly_json(src, map_variables):
inputs = src['inputs']
metadata = src['meta']
data = pd.DataFrame(src['outputs']['hourly'])
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data['time'], format='%Y%m%d:%H%M', utc=True)
data = data.drop('time', axis=1)
data = data.astype(dtype={'Int': 'int'}) # The 'Int' column to be integer
if map_variables:
data = data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP)
return data, inputs, metadata
def _parse_pvgis_hourly_csv(src, map_variables):
# The first 4 rows are latitude, longitude, elevation, radiation database
inputs = {}
# 'Latitude (decimal degrees): 45.000\r\n'
inputs['latitude'] = float(src.readline().split(':')[1])
# 'Longitude (decimal degrees): 8.000\r\n'
inputs['longitude'] = float(src.readline().split(':')[1])
# Elevation (m): 1389.0\r\n
inputs['elevation'] = float(src.readline().split(':')[1])
# 'Radiation database: \tPVGIS-SARAH\r\n'
inputs['radiation_database'] = src.readline().split(':')[1].strip()
# Parse through the remaining metadata section (the number of lines for
# this section depends on the requested parameters)
while True:
line = src.readline()
if line.startswith('time,'): # The data header starts with 'time,'
# The last line of the metadata section contains the column names
names = line.strip().split(',')
# Only retrieve metadata from non-empty lines
elif line.strip() != '':
inputs[line.split(':')[0]] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
elif line == '': # If end of file is reached
raise ValueError('No data section was detected. File has probably '
'been modified since being downloaded from PVGIS')
# Save the entries from the data section to a list, until an empty line is
# reached an empty line. The length of the section depends on the request
data_lines = []
while True:
line = src.readline()
if line.strip() == '':
data = pd.DataFrame(data_lines, columns=names)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data['time'], format='%Y%m%d:%H%M', utc=True)
data = data.drop('time', axis=1)
if map_variables:
data = data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP)
# All columns should have the dtype=float, except 'Int' which should be
# integer. It is necessary to convert to float, before converting to int
data = data.astype(float).astype(dtype={'Int': 'int'})
# Generate metadata dictionary containing description of parameters
metadata = {}
for line in src.readlines():
if ':' in line:
metadata[line.split(':')[0]] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
return data, inputs, metadata
def read_pvgis_hourly(filename, pvgis_format=None, map_variables=True):
"""Read a PVGIS hourly file.
filename : str, pathlib.Path, or file-like buffer
Name, path, or buffer of hourly data file downloaded from PVGIS.
pvgis_format : str, optional
Format of PVGIS file or buffer. Equivalent to the ``outputformat``
parameter in the PVGIS API. If ``filename`` is a file and
``pvgis_format`` is not specified then the file extension will be used
to determine the PVGIS format to parse. If ``filename`` is a buffer,
then ``pvgis_format`` is required and must be in ``['csv', 'json']``.
map_variables: bool, default True
When true, renames columns of the DataFrame to pvlib variable names
where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`.
data : pandas.DataFrame
the time series data
inputs : dict
the inputs
metadata : dict
The azimuth orientation specified in the output metadata does not
correspond to the pvlib convention, but is offset 180 degrees.
if ``pvgis_format`` is not specified and the file extension is neither
``.csv`` nor ``.json`` or if ``pvgis_format`` is provided as
input but isn't in ``['csv', 'json']``
if ``pvgis_format`` is not specified and ``filename`` is a buffer
See Also
get_pvgis_hourly, read_pvgis_tmy
# get the PVGIS outputformat
if pvgis_format is None:
# get the file extension from suffix, but remove the dot and make sure
# it's lower case to compare with csv, or json
# NOTE: basic format is not supported for PVGIS Hourly as the data
# format does not include a header
# NOTE: raises TypeError if filename is a buffer
outputformat = Path(filename).suffix[1:].lower()
outputformat = pvgis_format
# parse the pvgis file based on the output format, either 'json' or 'csv'
# NOTE: json and csv output formats have parsers defined as private
# functions in this module
# JSON: use Python built-in json module to convert file contents to a
# Python dictionary, and pass the dictionary to the
# _parse_pvgis_hourly_json() function from this module
if outputformat == 'json':
src = json.load(filename)
except AttributeError: # str/path has no .read() attribute
with open(str(filename), 'r') as fbuf:
src = json.load(fbuf)
return _parse_pvgis_hourly_json(src, map_variables=map_variables)
# CSV: use _parse_pvgis_hourly_csv()
if outputformat == 'csv':
pvgis_data = _parse_pvgis_hourly_csv(
filename, map_variables=map_variables)
except AttributeError: # str/path has no .read() attribute
with open(str(filename), 'r') as fbuf:
pvgis_data = _parse_pvgis_hourly_csv(
fbuf, map_variables=map_variables)
return pvgis_data
# raise exception if pvgis format isn't in ['csv', 'json']
err_msg = (
"pvgis format '{:s}' was unknown, must be either 'json' or 'csv'")\
raise ValueError(err_msg)
def _coerce_and_roll_tmy(tmy_data, tz, year):
Assumes ``tmy_data`` input is UTC, converts from UTC to ``tz``, rolls
dataframe so timeseries starts at midnight, and forces all indices to
``year``. Only works for integer ``tz``, but ``None`` and ``False`` are
re-interpreted as zero / UTC.
if tz:
tzname = pytz.timezone(f'Etc/GMT{-tz:+d}')
tz = 0
tzname = pytz.timezone('UTC')
new_index = pd.DatetimeIndex([
timestamp.replace(year=year, tzinfo=tzname)
for timestamp in tmy_data.index],
new_tmy_data = pd.DataFrame(
np.roll(tmy_data, tz, axis=0),
return new_tmy_data
def get_pvgis_tmy(latitude, longitude, outputformat='json', usehorizon=True,
userhorizon=None, startyear=None, endyear=None,
map_variables=True, url=URL, timeout=30,
roll_utc_offset=None, coerce_year=None):
Get TMY data from PVGIS.
For more information see the PVGIS [1]_ TMY tool documentation [2]_.
latitude : float
Latitude in degrees north
longitude : float
Longitude in degrees east
outputformat : str, default 'json'
Must be in ``['csv', 'basic', 'epw', 'json']``. See PVGIS TMY tool
documentation [2]_ for more info.
usehorizon : bool, default True
include effects of horizon
userhorizon : list of float, optional
Optional user-specified elevation of horizon in degrees, at equally
spaced azimuth clockwise from north. If not specified, PVGIS will
calculate the horizon [3]_. If specified, requires ``usehorizon=True``.
startyear : int, optional
first year to calculate TMY
endyear : int, optional
last year to calculate TMY, must be at least 10 years from first year
map_variables: bool, default True
When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names
where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`.
url : str, default: :const:`pvlib.iotools.pvgis.URL`
base url of PVGIS API, append ``tmy`` to get TMY endpoint
timeout : int, default 30
time in seconds to wait for server response before timeout
roll_utc_offset: int, optional
Use to specify a time zone other than the default UTC zero and roll
dataframe by ``roll_utc_offset`` so it starts at midnight on January
1st. Ignored if ``None``, otherwise will force year to ``coerce_year``.
coerce_year: int, optional
Use to force indices to desired year. Will default to 1990 if
``coerce_year`` is not specified, but ``roll_utc_offset`` is specified.
data : pandas.DataFrame
the weather data
months_selected : list
TMY year for each month, ``None`` for basic and EPW
inputs : dict
the inputs, ``None`` for basic and EPW
metadata : list or dict
file metadata, ``None`` for basic
if the request response status is ``HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST``, then
the error message in the response will be raised as an exception,
otherwise raise whatever ``HTTP/1.1`` error occurred
See Also
.. [1] `PVGIS <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/pvgis>`_
.. [2] `PVGIS TMY tool <https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/PVGIS/tools/tmy>`_
.. [3] `PVGIS horizon profile tool
# use requests to format the query string by passing params dictionary
params = {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'outputformat': outputformat}
# pvgis only likes 0 for False, and 1 for True, not strings, also the
# default for usehorizon is already 1 (ie: True), so only set if False
if not usehorizon:
params['usehorizon'] = 0
if userhorizon is not None:
params['userhorizon'] = ','.join(str(x) for x in userhorizon)
if startyear is not None:
params['startyear'] = startyear
if endyear is not None:
params['endyear'] = endyear
res = requests.get(url + 'tmy', params=params, timeout=timeout)
# PVGIS returns really well formatted error messages in JSON for HTTP/1.1
# 400 BAD REQUEST so try to return that if possible, otherwise raise the
# HTTP/1.1 error caught by requests
if not res.ok:
err_msg = res.json()
except Exception:
raise requests.HTTPError(err_msg['message'])
# initialize data to None in case API fails to respond to bad outputformat
data = None, None, None, None
if outputformat == 'json':
src = res.json()
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_json(src)
elif outputformat == 'csv':
with io.BytesIO(res.content) as src:
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_csv(src)
elif outputformat == 'basic':
with io.BytesIO(res.content) as src:
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_basic(src)
elif outputformat == 'epw':
with io.StringIO(res.content.decode('utf-8')) as src:
data, meta = parse_epw(src)
months_selected, inputs = None, None
# this line is never reached because if outputformat is not valid then
# the response is HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST which is handled earlier
if map_variables:
data = data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP)
if not (roll_utc_offset is None and coerce_year is None):
# roll_utc_offset is specified, but coerce_year isn't
coerce_year = coerce_year or 1990
data = _coerce_and_roll_tmy(data, roll_utc_offset, coerce_year)
return data, months_selected, inputs, meta
def _parse_pvgis_tmy_json(src):
inputs = src['inputs']
meta = src['meta']
months_selected = src['outputs']['months_selected']
data = pd.DataFrame(src['outputs']['tmy_hourly'])
data.index = pd.to_datetime(
data['time(UTC)'], format='%Y%m%d:%H%M', utc=True)
data = data.drop('time(UTC)', axis=1)
return data, months_selected, inputs, meta
def _parse_pvgis_tmy_csv(src):
# the first 3 rows are latitude, longitude, elevation
inputs = {}
# 'Latitude (decimal degrees): 45.000\r\n'
inputs['latitude'] = float(src.readline().split(b':')[1])
# 'Longitude (decimal degrees): 8.000\r\n'
inputs['longitude'] = float(src.readline().split(b':')[1])
# Elevation (m): 1389.0\r\n
inputs['elevation'] = float(src.readline().split(b':')[1])
# then there's a 13 row comma separated table with two columns: month, year
# which contains the year used for that month in the
src.readline() # get "month,year\r\n"
months_selected = []
for month in range(12):
{'month': month+1, 'year': int(src.readline().split(b',')[1])})
# then there's the TMY (typical meteorological year) data
# first there's a header row:
# time(UTC),T2m,RH,G(h),Gb(n),Gd(h),IR(h),WS10m,WD10m,SP
headers = [h.decode('utf-8').strip() for h in src.readline().split(b',')]
data = pd.DataFrame(
[src.readline().split(b',') for _ in range(8760)], columns=headers)
dtidx = data['time(UTC)'].apply(lambda dt: dt.decode('utf-8'))
dtidx = pd.to_datetime(dtidx, format='%Y%m%d:%H%M', utc=True)
data = data.drop('time(UTC)', axis=1)
data = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype=float)
data.index = dtidx
# finally there's some meta data
meta = [line.decode('utf-8').strip() for line in src.readlines()]
return data, months_selected, inputs, meta
def _parse_pvgis_tmy_basic(src):
data = pd.read_csv(src)
data.index = pd.to_datetime(
data['time(UTC)'], format='%Y%m%d:%H%M', utc=True)
data = data.drop('time(UTC)', axis=1)
return data, None, None, None
def read_pvgis_tmy(filename, pvgis_format=None, map_variables=True):
Read a file downloaded from PVGIS.
filename : str, pathlib.Path, or file-like buffer
Name, path, or buffer of file downloaded from PVGIS.
pvgis_format : str, optional
Format of PVGIS file or buffer. Equivalent to the ``outputformat``
parameter in the PVGIS TMY API. If ``filename`` is a file and
``pvgis_format`` is not specified then the file extension will be used
to determine the PVGIS format to parse. For PVGIS files from the API
with ``outputformat='basic'``, please set ``pvgis_format`` to
If ``filename`` is a buffer, then ``pvgis_format`` is required and must
be in ``['csv', 'epw', 'json', 'basic']``.
map_variables: bool, default True
When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names
where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`.
data : pandas.DataFrame
the weather data
months_selected : list
TMY year for each month, ``None`` for basic and EPW
inputs : dict
the inputs, ``None`` for basic and EPW
metadata : list or dict
file metadata, ``None`` for basic
if ``pvgis_format`` is not specified and the file extension is neither
``.csv``, ``.json``, nor ``.epw``, or if ``pvgis_format`` is provided
as input but isn't in ``['csv', 'epw', 'json', 'basic']``
if ``pvgis_format`` is not specified and ``filename`` is a buffer
See Also
# get the PVGIS outputformat
if pvgis_format is None:
# get the file extension from suffix, but remove the dot and make sure
# it's lower case to compare with epw, csv, or json
# NOTE: raises TypeError if filename is a buffer
outputformat = Path(filename).suffix[1:].lower()
outputformat = pvgis_format
# parse the pvgis file based on the output format, either 'epw', 'json',
# 'csv', or 'basic'
# EPW: use the EPW parser from the pvlib.iotools epw.py module
if outputformat == 'epw':
data, meta = parse_epw(filename)
except AttributeError: # str/path has no .read() attribute
data, meta = read_epw(filename)
months_selected, inputs = None, None
# NOTE: json, csv, and basic output formats have parsers defined as private
# functions in this module
# JSON: use Python built-in json module to convert file contents to a
# Python dictionary, and pass the dictionary to the _parse_pvgis_tmy_json()
# function from this module
elif outputformat == 'json':
src = json.load(filename)
except AttributeError: # str/path has no .read() attribute
with open(str(filename), 'r') as fbuf:
src = json.load(fbuf)
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = _parse_pvgis_tmy_json(src)
# CSV or basic: use the correct parser from this module
# eg: _parse_pvgis_tmy_csv() or _parse_pvgist_tmy_basic()
elif outputformat in ['csv', 'basic']:
# get the correct parser function for this output format from globals()
pvgis_parser = globals()['_parse_pvgis_tmy_{:s}'.format(outputformat)]
# NOTE: pvgis_parse() is a pvgis parser function from this module,
# either _parse_pvgis_tmy_csv() or _parse_pvgist_tmy_basic()
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = pvgis_parser(filename)
except AttributeError: # str/path has no .read() attribute
with open(str(filename), 'rb') as fbuf:
data, months_selected, inputs, meta = pvgis_parser(fbuf)
# raise exception if pvgis format isn't in ['csv','basic','epw','json']
err_msg = (
"pvgis format '{:s}' was unknown, must be either 'epw', 'json', "
"'csv', or 'basic'").format(outputformat)
raise ValueError(err_msg)
if map_variables:
data = data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP)
return data, months_selected, inputs, meta
def get_pvgis_horizon(latitude, longitude, url=URL, **kwargs):
"""Get horizon data from PVGIS.
latitude : float
Latitude in degrees north
longitude : float
Longitude in degrees east
url: str, default: :const:`pvlib.iotools.pvgis.URL`
Base URL for PVGIS
Passed to requests.get
data : pd.Series
Pandas Series of the retrived horizon elevation angles. Index is the
corresponding horizon azimuth angles.
metadata : dict
Metadata returned by PVGIS.
The horizon azimuths are specified clockwise from north, e.g., south=180.
This is the standard pvlib convention, although the PVGIS website specifies
.. [1] `PVGIS horizon profile tool
params = {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'outputformat': 'json'}
res = requests.get(url + 'printhorizon', params=params, **kwargs)
if not res.ok:
err_msg = res.json()
except Exception:
raise requests.HTTPError(err_msg['message'])
json_output = res.json()
metadata = json_output['meta']
data = pd.DataFrame(json_output['outputs']['horizon_profile'])
data.columns = ['horizon_azimuth', 'horizon_elevation']
# Convert azimuth to pvlib convention (north=0, south=180)
data['horizon_azimuth'] += 180
data.set_index('horizon_azimuth', inplace=True)
data = data['horizon_elevation'] # convert to pd.Series
data = data[data.index < 360] # remove duplicate north point (0 and 360)
return data, metadata