The ``sde`` module contains functions to fit the single diode equation.
Function names should follow the pattern "fit_" + fitting method.
import numpy as np
from pvlib.ivtools.utils import _schumaker_qspline
def fit_sandia_simple(voltage, current, v_oc=None, i_sc=None, v_mp_i_mp=None,
vlim=0.2, ilim=0.1):
Fits the single diode equation (SDE) to an IV curve.
voltage : ndarray
1D array of `float` type containing voltage at each point on the IV
curve, increasing from 0 to ``v_oc`` inclusive. [V]
current : ndarray
1D array of `float` type containing current at each point on the IV
curve, from ``i_sc`` to 0 inclusive. [A]
v_oc : float, optional
Open circuit voltage. If not provided, ``v_oc`` is taken as the
last point in the ``voltage`` array. [V]
i_sc : float, optional
Short circuit current. If not provided, ``i_sc`` is taken as the
first point in the ``current`` array. [A]
v_mp_i_mp : tuple of float, optional
Voltage, current at maximum power point. If not provided, the maximum
power point is found at the maximum of ``voltage`` \times ``current``.
[V], [A]
vlim : float, default 0.2
Defines portion of IV curve where the exponential term in the single
diode equation can be neglected, i.e.
``voltage`` <= ``vlim`` x ``v_oc``. [V]
ilim : float, default 0.1
Defines portion of the IV curve where the exponential term in the
single diode equation is significant, approximately defined by
``current`` < (1 - ``ilim``) x ``i_sc``. [A]
photocurrent : float
photocurrent [A]
saturation_current : float
dark (saturation) current [A]
resistance_series : float
series resistance [ohm]
resistance_shunt : float
shunt (parallel) resistance [ohm]
nNsVth : float
product of thermal voltage ``Vth`` [V], diode ideality factor
``n``, and number of series cells ``Ns``. [V]
if parameter extraction is not successful.
Inputs ``voltage``, ``current``, ``v_oc``, ``i_sc`` and ``v_mp_i_mp`` are
assumed to be from a single IV curve at constant irradiance and cell
:py:func:`fit_sandia_simple` obtains values for the five parameters for
the single diode equation [1]_:
.. math::
I = I_{L} - I_{0} (\exp \frac{V + I R_{s}}{nNsVth} - 1)
- \frac{V + I R_{s}}{R_{sh}}
See :py:func:`pvlib.pvsystem.singlediode` for definition of the parameters.
The extraction method [2]_ proceeds in six steps.
1. In the single diode equation, replace :math:`R_{sh} = 1/G_{p}` and
.. math::
I = \frac{I_{L}}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}} - \frac{G_{p} V}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}}
- \frac{I_{0}}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}} (\exp(\frac{V + I R_{s}}{nN_sV_{th}})
- 1)
2. The linear portion of the IV curve is defined as
:math:`V \le vlim \times v_{oc}`. Over this portion of the IV curve,
.. math::
\frac{I_{0}}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}} (\exp(\frac{V + I R_{s}}{nN_sV_{th}})
- 1) \approx 0
3. Fit the linear portion of the IV curve with a line.
.. math::
I &\approx \frac{I_{L}}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}}
- \frac{G_{p}}{1 + G_{p}R_{s}} V \\
&= \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} V
4. The exponential portion of the IV curve is defined by
:math:`\beta_{0} + \beta_{1} \times V - I > ilim \times i_{sc}`.
Over this portion of the curve,
:math:`\exp((V + IR_s)/{nN_sV_{th}}) \gg 1` so that
.. math::
\exp(\frac{V + I R_{s}}{nN_sV_{th}}) - 1 \approx
\exp(\frac{V + I R_{s}}{nN_sV_{th}})
5. Fit the exponential portion of the IV curve.
.. math::
\log(\beta_{0} - \beta_{1} V - I)
&\approx \log(\frac{I_{0}}{1 + G_{p} R_{s}}) + \frac{V}{nN_sV_{th}}
+ \frac{I R_{s}}{nN_sV_{th}} \\
&= \beta_{2} + \beta_{3} V + \beta_{4} I
6. Calculate values for ``IL, I0, Rs, Rsh,`` and ``nNsVth`` from the
regression coefficents :math:`\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \beta_{3}` and
.. [1] S.R. Wenham, M.A. Green, M.E. Watt, "Applied Photovoltaics" ISBN
0 86758 909 4
.. [2] C. B. Jones, C. W. Hansen, "Single Diode Parameter Extraction from
In-Field Photovoltaic I-V Curves on a Single Board Computer", 46th IEEE
Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, Chicago, IL, 2019.
# If not provided, extract v_oc, i_sc, v_mp and i_mp from the IV curve data
if v_oc is None:
v_oc = voltage[-1]
if i_sc is None:
i_sc = current[0]
if v_mp_i_mp is not None:
v_mp, i_mp = v_mp_i_mp
v_mp, i_mp = _find_mp(voltage, current)
# Find beta0 and beta1 from linear portion of the IV curve
beta0, beta1 = _sandia_beta0_beta1(voltage, current, vlim, v_oc)
# Find beta3 and beta4 from the exponential portion of the IV curve
beta3, beta4 = _sandia_beta3_beta4(voltage, current, beta0, beta1, ilim,
# calculate single diode parameters from regression coefficients
return _sandia_simple_params(beta0, beta1, beta3, beta4, v_mp, i_mp, v_oc)
def _find_mp(voltage, current):
Finds voltage and current at maximum power point.
voltage : ndarray
1D array containing voltage at each point on the IV curve, increasing
from 0 to v_oc inclusive, of `float` type. [V]
current : ndarray
1D array containing current at each point on the IV curve, decreasing
from i_sc to 0 inclusive, of `float` type. [A]
v_mp, i_mp : tuple
voltage ``v_mp`` and current ``i_mp`` at the maximum power point. [V],
p = voltage * current
idx = np.argmax(p)
return voltage[idx], current[idx]
def _sandia_beta0_beta1(v, i, vlim, v_oc):
# Used by fit_sandia_simple.
# Get intercept and slope of linear portion of IV curve.
# Start with V =< vlim * v_oc, extend by adding points until slope is
# negative (downward).
beta0 = np.nan
beta1 = np.nan
first_idx = np.searchsorted(v, vlim * v_oc)
for idx in range(first_idx, len(v)):
coef = np.polyfit(v[:idx], i[:idx], deg=1)
if coef[0] < 0:
# intercept term
beta0 = coef[1].item()
# sign change of slope to get positive parameter value
beta1 = -coef[0].item()
if any(np.isnan([beta0, beta1])):
raise RuntimeError("Parameter extraction failed: beta0={}, beta1={}"
.format(beta0, beta1))
return beta0, beta1
def _sandia_beta3_beta4(voltage, current, beta0, beta1, ilim, i_sc):
# Used by fit_sde_sandia.
# Subtract the IV curve from the linear fit.
y = beta0 - beta1 * voltage - current
x = np.array([np.ones_like(voltage), voltage, current]).T
# Select points where y > ilim * i_sc to regress log(y) onto x
idx = (y > ilim * i_sc)
result = np.linalg.lstsq(x[idx], np.log(y[idx]), rcond=None)
coef = result[0]
beta3 = coef[1].item()
beta4 = coef[2].item()
if any(np.isnan([beta3, beta4])):
raise RuntimeError("Parameter extraction failed: beta3={}, beta4={}"
.format(beta3, beta4))
return beta3, beta4
def _sandia_simple_params(beta0, beta1, beta3, beta4, v_mp, i_mp, v_oc):
# Used by fit_sandia_simple.
nNsVth = 1.0 / beta3
rs = beta4 / beta3
gsh = beta1 / (1.0 - rs * beta1)
rsh = 1.0 / gsh
iph = (1 + gsh * rs) * beta0
# calculate I0
io_vmp = _calc_I0(v_mp, i_mp, iph, gsh, rs, nNsVth)
io_voc = _calc_I0(v_oc, 0, iph, gsh, rs, nNsVth)
if any(np.isnan([io_vmp, io_voc])) or ((io_vmp <= 0) and (io_voc <= 0)):
raise RuntimeError("Parameter extraction failed: I0 is undetermined.")
elif (io_vmp > 0) and (io_voc > 0):
io = 0.5 * (io_vmp + io_voc)
elif (io_vmp > 0):
io = io_vmp
else: # io_voc > 0
io = io_voc
return iph, io, rs, rsh, nNsVth
def _calc_I0(voltage, current, iph, gsh, rs, nNsVth):
return (iph - current - gsh * (voltage + rs * current)) / \
np.expm1((voltage + rs * current) / nNsVth)
def _fit_sandia_cocontent(voltage, current, nsvth):
Regression technique to fit the single diode equation to data for a single
IV curve.
In general, not reliable for estimating parameters other than Rsh.
voltage : numeric
voltage for the IV curve in increasing order, the first value must be
0, the last value is taken as ``Voc``. [V]
current : numeric
current for the IV curve corresponding to ``voltage``, the first value
is taken as ``Isc``, the last value must be 0. [A]
nsvth : numeric
the thermal voltage for the module, equal to ``Ns`` (number of cells in
series) times ``Vth`` (thermal voltage per cell). [V]
iph : numeric
photocurrent [A]
io : numeric
dark current [A]
rs : numeric
shunt resistance [ohm]
rsh : numeric
series resistance [ohm]
n : numeric
diode (ideality) factor [unitless]
if ``voltage`` and ``current`` are different lengths.
if ``len(voltage)`` < 6
Ported from PVLib Matlab [1]_. This function uses a regression technique
described in [2]_ to fit the single diode equation to data for a single IV
curve. The method extends ideas in [3]_ where the co-content is regressed
onto predictors involving voltage and current. Here, a principal component
transformation of ``(voltage, current)`` prior to regression to reduce the
effects of colinearity between voltage and current.
Although values for each of the five parameters are returned,
testing has shown that values for ``Rs``, ``Io`` and ``n`` may be negative
or imaginary even for IV curve data without obvious flaws.
.. [1] PVLib MATLAB https://github.com/sandialabs/MATLAB_PV_LIB
.. [2] C. Hansen, "Parameter Estimation for Single Diode Models of
Photovoltaic Modules", Sandia National Laboratories Report SAND2015-2065
.. [3] A. Ortiz-Conde, F. Garci'a Sa'nchez, J. Murci, "New method to
extract the model parameters of solar cells from the explicit analytic
solutions of their illuminated I-V characteristics", Solar Energy
Materials and Solar Cells 90, pp 352 - 361, 2006.
if len(current) != len(voltage):
raise ValueError("voltage and current should have the same "
if len(voltage) < 6:
raise ValueError("at least 6 voltage points are required; ~50 are "
isc = current[0] # short circuit current
voc = voltage[-1] # open circuit voltage
# Fit quadratic spline to IV curve in order to compute the co-content
# (i.e., integral of Isc - I over V) more accurately
[t, c, yhat, kflag] = _schumaker_qspline(voltage, current)
# Calculate co-content integral
cci = _cocontent(t, c, isc, kflag)
# Regress co-content onto voltage and current predictors
beta = _cocontent_regress(voltage, current, voc, isc, cci)
# Extract five parameter values from regression coefficients.
# Equation 11, [3]
betagp = beta[3] * 2.
# Equation 12, [3]
betars = (np.sqrt(1. + 16. * beta[3] * beta[4]) - 1.) / (4. * beta[3])
# Equation 13, [3]
betan = (beta[0] * (np.sqrt(1. + 16. * beta[3] * beta[4]) - 1.) + 4. *
beta[1] * beta[3]) / (4. * beta[3] * nsvth)
# Single diode equation at Voc, approximating Iph + Io by Isc
betaio = (isc - voc * betagp) / (np.exp(voc / (betan * nsvth)))
# Single diode equation at Isc, using Rsh, Rs, n and Io that were
# determined above
betaiph = isc - betaio + betaio * np.exp(isc / (betan * nsvth)) + \
isc * betars * betagp
iph = betaiph
io = betaio
rsh = 1 / betagp
rs = betars
n = betan
return iph, io, rs, rsh, n
def _cocontent(v, c, isc, kflag):
# Used by fit_sandia_cocontent
# calculate co-content integral by numerical integration of
# i = (Isc - I) over v
# Here, i = Isc - I is assumed to be represented by the quadratic spline
# with coefficients in input c, at the discrete sequence of knots in v
xn = len(v)
delx = v[1:] - v[:-1]
tmp = np.array([1. / 3., .5, 1.])
ss = np.tile(tmp, [xn - 1, 1])
cc = c * ss # cast coefficients to a convenient shape
# compute integral on each interval
tmpint = np.sum(cc * np.array([delx ** 3, delx ** 2, delx]).T, 1)
tmpint = np.append(0., tmpint)
# compute co-content = Int_0^V (Isc - I) dV
scc = np.zeros(xn)
# Use trapezoid rule for the first 5 intervals due to spline being
# unreliable near the left endpoint
scc[0:5] = isc * v[0:5] - np.cumsum(tmpint[0:5]) # by spline
scc[5:(xn - 5)] = isc * (v[5:(xn - 5)] - v[4]) - \
np.cumsum(tmpint[5:(xn - 5)]) + scc[4]
# Use trapezoid rule for the last 5 intervals due to spline being
# unreliable near the right endpoint
scc[(xn - 5):xn] = isc * (v[(xn - 5):xn] - v[xn - 6]) - \
np.cumsum(tmpint[(xn - 5):xn]) + scc[xn - 6]
# For estimating diode equation parameters only use original data points,
# not at any knots added by the quadratic spline fit
cci = scc[~kflag.astype(bool)]
return cci
def _cocontent_regress(v, i, voc, isc, cci):
# Used by fit_sandia_content
# For the method coded here see Appendix C of [2] SAND2015-2065
# predictor variables for regression of CC
x = np.vstack((v, isc - i, v * (isc - i), v * v, (i - isc) ** 2)).T
# define principal components transformation to shift, scale and rotate
# V and I before the regression.
tmpx = x[:, 0:2]
tmpx_length = tmpx.shape[0]
tmpx_mean = np.mean(tmpx, axis=0)
tmpx_std = np.std(tmpx, axis=0, ddof=1)
tmpx_zscore = (tmpx - np.tile(tmpx_mean, [tmpx_length, 1])) / \
np.tile(tmpx_std, [tmpx_length, 1])
tmpx_d, tmpx_v = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(tmpx_zscore.T))
idx = np.argsort(tmpx_d)[::-1]
ev1 = tmpx_v[:, idx[0]]
# Second component set to be orthogonal and rotated counterclockwise by 90.
ev2 = np.dot(np.array([[0., -1.], [1., 0.]]), ev1)
r = np.array([ev1, ev2]) # principal components transformation
s = np.dot(tmpx_zscore, r)
# [V, I] shift and scaled by zscore, rotated by r
scc = cci - np.mean(cci, axis=0) # center co-content values
col1 = np.ones(len(scc))
# predictors. Shifting makes a constant term necessary in the regression
# model
sx = np.vstack((s[:, 0], s[:, 1], s[:, 0] * s[:, 1], s[:, 0] * s[:, 0],
s[:, 1] * s[:, 1], col1)).T
gamma = np.linalg.lstsq(sx, scc, rcond=None)[0]
# coefficients from regression in rotated coordinates
# Principle components transformation steps
# Matrix which relates principal components transformation R to the mapping
# between [V' I' V'I' V'^2 I'^2] and sx, where prime ' indicates shifted
# and scaled data. Used to translate from regression coefficients in
# rotated coordinates to coefficients in initial V, I coordinates.
mb = np.array([[r[0, 0], r[1, 0], 0., 0., 0.], [r[0, 1], r[1, 1], 0., 0.,
[0., 0., r[0, 0] * r[1, 1] + r[0, 1] * r[1, 0], 2. *
r[0, 0] * r[0, 1], 2. * r[1, 0] * r[1, 1]],
[0., 0., r[0, 0] * r[1, 0], r[0, 0] ** 2., r[1, 0] ** 2.],
[0., 0., r[0, 1] * r[1, 1], r[0, 1] ** 2., r[1, 1] ** 2.]])
# matrix which is used to undo effect of shifting and scaling on regression
# coefficients.
ma = np.array([[np.std(v, ddof=1), 0., np.std(v, ddof=1) *
np.mean(isc - i), 2. * np.std(v, ddof=1) * np.mean(v),
0.], [0., np.std(isc - i, ddof=1), np.std(isc - i, ddof=1)
* np.mean(v), 0.,
2. * np.std(isc - i, ddof=1) * np.mean(isc - i)],
[0., 0., np.std(v, ddof=1) * np.std(isc - i, ddof=1), 0.,
[0., 0., 0., np.std(v, ddof=1) ** 2., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., np.std(isc - i, ddof=1) ** 2.]])
# translate from coefficients in rotated space (gamma) to coefficients in
# original coordinates (beta)
beta = np.linalg.lstsq(np.dot(mb, ma), gamma[0:5], rcond=None)[0]
return beta