Source code for pvlib.atmosphere

The ``atmosphere`` module contains methods to calculate relative and
absolute airmass and to determine pressure from altitude or vice versa.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pvlib

from pvlib._deprecation import deprecated

APPARENT_ZENITH_MODELS = ('simple', 'kasten1966', 'kastenyoung1989',
                          'gueymard1993', 'pickering2002')
TRUE_ZENITH_MODELS = ('youngirvine1967', 'young1994')

[docs]def pres2alt(pressure): ''' Determine altitude from site pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure : numeric Atmospheric pressure. [Pa] Returns ------- altitude : numeric Altitude above sea level. [m] Notes ------ The following assumptions are made ============================ ================ Parameter Value ============================ ================ Base pressure 101325 Pa Temperature at zero altitude 288.15 K Gravitational acceleration 9.80665 m/s^2 Lapse rate -6.5E-3 K/m Gas constant for air 287.053 J/(kg K) Relative Humidity 0% ============================ ================ References ----------- .. [1] "A Quick Derivation relating altitude to air pressure" from Portland State Aerospace Society, Version 1.03, 12/22/2004. ''' alt = 44331.5 - 4946.62 * pressure ** (0.190263) return alt
[docs]def alt2pres(altitude): ''' Determine site pressure from altitude. Parameters ---------- altitude : numeric Altitude above sea level. [m] Returns ------- pressure : numeric Atmospheric pressure. [Pa] Notes ------ The following assumptions are made ============================ ================ Parameter Value ============================ ================ Base pressure 101325 Pa Temperature at zero altitude 288.15 K Gravitational acceleration 9.80665 m/s^2 Lapse rate -6.5E-3 K/m Gas constant for air 287.053 J/(kg K) Relative Humidity 0% ============================ ================ References ----------- .. [1] "A Quick Derivation relating altitude to air pressure" from Portland State Aerospace Society, Version 1.03, 12/22/2004. ''' press = 100 * ((44331.514 - altitude) / 11880.516) ** (1 / 0.1902632) return press
[docs]def get_absolute_airmass(airmass_relative, pressure=101325.): r''' Determine absolute (pressure-adjusted) airmass from relative airmass and pressure. The calculation for absolute airmass (:math:`AM_a`) is .. math:: AM_a = AM_r \frac{P}{101325} where :math:`AM_r` is relative air mass at sea level and :math:`P` is atmospheric pressure. Parameters ---------- airmass_relative : numeric The airmass at sea level. [unitless] pressure : numeric, default 101325 Atmospheric pressure. [Pa] Returns ------- airmass_absolute : numeric Absolute (pressure-adjusted) airmass References ---------- .. [1] C. Gueymard, "Critical analysis and performance assessment of clear sky solar irradiance models using theoretical and measured data," Solar Energy, vol. 51, pp. 121-138, 1993. ''' airmass_absolute = airmass_relative * pressure / 101325. return airmass_absolute
[docs]def get_relative_airmass(zenith, model='kastenyoung1989'): ''' Calculate relative (not pressure-adjusted) airmass at sea level. Parameter ``model`` allows selection of different airmass models. Parameters ---------- zenith : numeric Zenith angle of the sun. [degrees] model : string, default 'kastenyoung1989' Available models include the following: * 'simple' - secant(apparent zenith angle) - Note that this gives -Inf at zenith=90 * 'kasten1966' - See reference [1] - requires apparent sun zenith * 'youngirvine1967' - See reference [2] - requires true sun zenith * 'kastenyoung1989' (default) - See reference [3] - requires apparent sun zenith * 'gueymard1993' - See reference [4] - requires apparent sun zenith * 'young1994' - See reference [5] - requires true sun zenith * 'pickering2002' - See reference [6] - requires apparent sun zenith * 'gueymard2003' - See references [7] and [8] - requires apparent sun zenith Returns ------- airmass_relative : numeric Relative airmass at sea level. Returns NaN values for any zenith angle greater than 90 degrees. [unitless] Notes ----- Some models use apparent (refraction-adjusted) zenith angle while other models use true (not refraction-adjusted) zenith angle. Apparent zenith angles should be calculated at sea level. References ---------- .. [1] Fritz Kasten. "A New Table and Approximation Formula for the Relative Optical Air Mass". Technical Report 136, Hanover, N.H.: U.S. Army Material Command, CRREL. .. [2] A. T. Young and W. M. Irvine, "Multicolor Photoelectric Photometry of the Brighter Planets," The Astronomical Journal, vol. 72, pp. 945-950, 1967. .. [3] Fritz Kasten and Andrew Young. "Revised optical air mass tables and approximation formula". Applied Optics 28:4735-4738 .. [4] C. Gueymard, "Critical analysis and performance assessment of clear sky solar irradiance models using theoretical and measured data," Solar Energy, vol. 51, pp. 121-138, 1993. .. [5] A. T. Young, "AIR-MASS AND REFRACTION," Applied Optics, vol. 33, pp. 1108-1110, Feb 1994. .. [6] Keith A. Pickering. "The Ancient Star Catalog". DIO 12:1, 20, .. [7] C. Gueymard, "Direct solar transmittance and irradiance predictions with broadband models. Part I: detailed theoretical performance assessment". Solar Energy, vol 74, pp. 355-379, 2003. :doi:`10.1016/S0038-092X(03)00195-6` .. [8] C. Gueymard (2019). Clear-Sky Radiation Models and Aerosol Effects. In: Polo, J., Martín-Pomares, L., Sanfilippo, A. (eds) Solar Resources Mapping. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Cham. :doi:`10.1007/978-3-319-97484-2_5` .. [9] Matthew J. Reno, Clifford W. Hansen and Joshua S. Stein, "Global Horizontal Irradiance Clear Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis" Sandia Report, (2012). ''' # set zenith values greater than 90 to nans z = np.where(zenith > 90, np.nan, zenith) zenith_rad = np.radians(z) model = model.lower() if 'kastenyoung1989' == model: am = (1.0 / (np.cos(zenith_rad) + 0.50572*((6.07995 + (90 - z)) ** - 1.6364))) elif 'kasten1966' == model: am = 1.0 / (np.cos(zenith_rad) + 0.15*((93.885 - z) ** - 1.253)) elif 'simple' == model: am = 1.0 / np.cos(zenith_rad) elif 'pickering2002' == model: am = (1.0 / (np.sin(np.radians(90 - z + 244.0 / (165 + 47.0 * (90 - z) ** 1.1))))) elif 'youngirvine1967' == model: sec_zen = 1.0 / np.cos(zenith_rad) am = sec_zen * (1 - 0.0012 * (sec_zen * sec_zen - 1)) elif 'young1994' == model: am = ((1.002432*((np.cos(zenith_rad)) ** 2) + 0.148386*(np.cos(zenith_rad)) + 0.0096467) / (np.cos(zenith_rad) ** 3 + 0.149864*(np.cos(zenith_rad) ** 2) + 0.0102963*(np.cos(zenith_rad)) + 0.000303978)) elif 'gueymard1993' == model: am = (1.0 / (np.cos(zenith_rad) + 0.00176759*(z)*((94.37515 - z) ** - 1.21563))) elif 'gueymard2003' == model: am = (1.0 / (np.cos(zenith_rad) + 0.48353*(z**0.095846)/(96.741 - z)**1.754)) else: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid model for relativeairmass', model) if isinstance(zenith, pd.Series): am = pd.Series(am, index=zenith.index) return am
[docs]def gueymard94_pw(temp_air, relative_humidity): r""" Calculates precipitable water (cm) from ambient air temperature (C) and relatively humidity (%) using an empirical model. The accuracy of this method is approximately 20% for moderate PW (1-3 cm) and less accurate otherwise. The model was developed by expanding Eq. 1 in [2]_: .. math:: Pw = 0.1 H_v \rho_v using Eq. 2 in [2]_ .. math:: \rho_v = 216.7 R_H e_s /T :math:`Pw` is the precipitable water (cm), :math:`H_v` is the apparent water vapor scale height (km) and :math:`\rho_v` is the surface water vapor density (g/m^3). . The expression for :math:`H_v` is Eq. 4 in [2]_: .. math:: H_v = 0.4976 + 1.5265 \frac{T}{273.15} + \exp \left(13.6897 \frac{T}{273.15} - 14.9188 \left( \frac{T}{273.15} \right)^3 \right) In the expression for :math:`\rho_v`, :math:`e_s` is the saturation water vapor pressure (millibar). The expression for :math:`e_s` is Eq. 1 in [3]_ .. math:: e_s = \exp \left(22.330 - 49.140 \frac{100}{T} - 10.922 \left(\frac{100}{T}\right)^2 - 0.39015 \frac{T}{100} \right) Parameters ---------- temp_air : numeric ambient air temperature :math:`T` at the surface. [C] relative_humidity : numeric relative humidity :math:`R_H` at the surface. [%] Returns ------- pw : numeric precipitable water. [cm] References ---------- .. [1] W. M. Keogh and A. W. Blakers, Accurate Measurement, Using Natural Sunlight, of Silicon Solar Cells, Prog. in Photovoltaics: Res. and Appl. 2004, vol 12, pp. 1-19 (:doi:`10.1002/pip.517`) .. [2] C. Gueymard, Analysis of Monthly Average Atmospheric Precipitable Water and Turbidity in Canada and Northern United States, Solar Energy vol 53(1), pp. 57-71, 1994. .. [3] C. Gueymard, Assessment of the Accuracy and Computing Speed of simplified saturation vapor equations using a new reference dataset, J. of Applied Meteorology 1993, vol. 32(7), pp. 1294-1300. """ T = temp_air + 273.15 # Convert to Kelvin # noqa: N806 RH = relative_humidity # noqa: N806 theta = T / 273.15 # Eq. 1 from Keogh and Blakers pw = ( 0.1 * (0.4976 + 1.5265*theta + np.exp(13.6897*theta - 14.9188*(theta)**3)) * (216.7*RH/(100*T)*np.exp(22.330 - 49.140*(100/T) - 10.922*(100/T)**2 - 0.39015*T/100))) pw = np.maximum(pw, 0.1) return pw
first_solar_spectral_correction = deprecated( since='0.10.0', alternative='pvlib.spectrum.spectral_factor_firstsolar' )(pvlib.spectrum.spectral_factor_firstsolar)
[docs]def bird_hulstrom80_aod_bb(aod380, aod500): """ Approximate broadband aerosol optical depth. Bird and Hulstrom developed a correlation for broadband aerosol optical depth (AOD) using two wavelengths, 380 nm and 500 nm. Parameters ---------- aod380 : numeric AOD measured at 380 nm. [unitless] aod500 : numeric AOD measured at 500 nm. [unitless] Returns ------- aod_bb : numeric Broadband AOD. [unitless] See also -------- pvlib.atmosphere.kasten96_lt References ---------- .. [1] Bird and Hulstrom, "Direct Insolation Models" (1980) `SERI/TR-335-344 <>`_ .. [2] R. E. Bird and R. L. Hulstrom, "Review, Evaluation, and Improvement of Direct Irradiance Models", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 103(3), pp. 182-192 (1981) :doi:`10.1115/1.3266239` """ # approximate broadband AOD using (Bird-Hulstrom 1980) return 0.27583 * aod380 + 0.35 * aod500
[docs]def kasten96_lt(airmass_absolute, precipitable_water, aod_bb): """ Calculate Linke turbidity using Kasten pyrheliometric formula. Note that broadband aerosol optical depth (AOD) can be approximated by AOD measured at 700 nm according to Molineaux [4] . Bird and Hulstrom offer an alternate approximation using AOD measured at 380 nm and 500 nm. Based on original implementation by Armel Oumbe. .. warning:: These calculations are only valid for airmass less than 5 and precipitable water less than 5 cm. Parameters ---------- airmass_absolute : numeric Pressure-adjusted airmass. [unitless] precipitable_water : numeric Precipitable water. [cm] aod_bb : numeric broadband AOD. [unitless] Returns ------- lt : numeric Linke turbidity. [unitless] See also -------- pvlib.atmosphere.bird_hulstrom80_aod_bb pvlib.atmosphere.angstrom_aod_at_lambda References ---------- .. [1] F. Linke, "Transmissions-Koeffizient und Trubungsfaktor", Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphare, Vol 10, pp. 91-103 (1922) .. [2] F. Kasten, "A simple parameterization of the pyrheliometric formula for determining the Linke turbidity factor", Meteorologische Rundschau 33, pp. 124-127 (1980) .. [3] Kasten, "The Linke turbidity factor based on improved values of the integral Rayleigh optical thickness", Solar Energy, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 239-244 (1996) :doi:`10.1016/0038-092X(95)00114-7` .. [4] B. Molineaux, P. Ineichen, N. O'Neill, "Equivalence of pyrheliometric and monochromatic aerosol optical depths at a single key wavelength", Applied Optics Vol. 37, issue 10, 7008-7018 (1998) :doi:`10.1364/AO.37.007008` .. [5] P. Ineichen, "Conversion function between the Linke turbidity and the atmospheric water vapor and aerosol content", Solar Energy 82, pp. 1095-1097 (2008) :doi:`10.1016/j.solener.2008.04.010` .. [6] P. Ineichen and R. Perez, "A new airmass independent formulation for the Linke Turbidity coefficient", Solar Energy, Vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 151-157 (2002) :doi:`10.1016/S0038-092X(02)00045-2` """ # "From numerically integrated spectral simulations done with Modtran # (Berk, 1989), Molineaux (1998) obtained for the broadband optical depth # of a clean and dry atmospshere (fictitious atmosphere that comprises only # the effects of Rayleigh scattering and absorption by the atmosphere gases # other than the water vapor) the following expression" # - P. Ineichen (2008) delta_cda = -0.101 + 0.235 * airmass_absolute ** (-0.16) # "and the broadband water vapor optical depth where pwat is the integrated # precipitable water vapor content of the atmosphere expressed in cm and am # the optical air mass. The precision of these fits is better than 1% when # compared with Modtran simulations in the range 1 < am < 5 and # 0 < pwat < 5 cm at sea level" - P. Ineichen (2008) delta_w = 0.112 * airmass_absolute ** (-0.55) * precipitable_water ** 0.34 # broadband AOD delta_a = aod_bb # "Then using the Kasten pyrheliometric formula (1980, 1996), the Linke # turbidity at am = 2 can be written. The extension of the Linke turbidity # coefficient to other values of air mass was published by Ineichen and # Perez (2002)" - P. Ineichen (2008) lt = -(9.4 + 0.9 * airmass_absolute) * np.log( np.exp(-airmass_absolute * (delta_cda + delta_w + delta_a)) ) / airmass_absolute # filter out of extrapolated values return lt
[docs]def angstrom_aod_at_lambda(aod0, lambda0, alpha=1.14, lambda1=700.0): r""" Get AOD at specified wavelength using Angstrom turbidity model. Parameters ---------- aod0 : numeric Aerosol optical depth (AOD) measured at wavelength ``lambda0``. [unitless] lambda0 : numeric Wavelength corresponding to ``aod0``. [nm] alpha : numeric, default 1.14 Angstrom :math:`\alpha` exponent corresponding to ``aod0``. [unitless] lambda1 : numeric, default 700 Desired wavelength. [nm] Returns ------- aod1 : numeric AOD at desired wavelength ``lambda1``. [unitless] See also -------- pvlib.atmosphere.angstrom_alpha References ---------- .. [1] Anders Angstrom, "On the Atmospheric Transmission of Sun Radiation and On Dust in the Air", Geografiska Annaler Vol. 11, pp. 156-166 (1929) JSTOR :doi:`10.2307/519399` .. [2] Anders Angstrom, "Techniques of Determining the Turbidity of the Atmosphere", Tellus 13:2, pp. 214-223 (1961) Taylor & Francis :doi:`10.3402/tellusa.v13i2.9493` and Co-Action Publishing :doi:`10.1111/j.2153-3490.1961.tb00078.x` """ return aod0 * ((lambda1 / lambda0) ** (-alpha))
[docs]def angstrom_alpha(aod1, lambda1, aod2, lambda2): r""" Calculate Angstrom alpha exponent. Parameters ---------- aod1 : numeric Aerosol optical depth at wavelength ``lambda1``. [unitless] lambda1 : numeric Wavelength corresponding to ``aod1``. [nm] aod2 : numeric Aerosol optical depth at wavelength ``lambda2``. [unitless] lambda2 : numeric Wavelength corresponding to ``aod2``. [nm] Returns ------- alpha : numeric Angstrom :math:`\alpha` exponent for wavelength in ``(lambda1, lambda2)``. [unitless] See also -------- pvlib.atmosphere.angstrom_aod_at_lambda """ return - np.log(aod1 / aod2) / np.log(lambda1 / lambda2)