Source code for pvlib.iotools.solargis

"""Functions to retrieve and parse irradiance data from Solargis."""

import pandas as pd
import requests
from dataclasses import dataclass
import io

URL = ''

    5: 'MIN_5', 10: 'MIN_10', 15: 'MIN_15', 30:  'MIN_30', 60: 'HOURLY',
    'PT05M': 'MIN_5', 'PT5M': 'MIN_5', 'PT10M': 'MIN_10', 'PT15M': 'MIN_15',
    'PT30': 'MIN_30', 'PT60M': 'HOURLY', 'PT1H': 'HOURLY', 'P1D': 'DAILY',
    'P1M': 'MONTHLY', 'P1Y': 'YEARLY'}

class ParameterMap:
    solargis_name: str
    pvlib_name: str
    conversion: callable = lambda x: x

# define the conventions between Solargis and pvlib nomenclature and units
    # Irradiance (unit varies based on time resolution)
    ParameterMap('GHI', 'ghi'),
    ParameterMap('GHI_C', 'ghi_clear'),  # this is stated in documentation
    ParameterMap('GHIc', 'ghi_clear'),  # this is used in practice
    ParameterMap('DNI', 'dni'),
    ParameterMap('DNI_C', 'dni_clear'),
    ParameterMap('DNIc', 'dni_clear'),
    ParameterMap('DIF', 'dhi'),
    ParameterMap('GTI', 'poa_global'),
    ParameterMap('GTI_C', 'poa_global_clear'),
    ParameterMap('GTIc', 'poa_global_clear'),
    # Solar position
    ParameterMap('SE', 'solar_elevation'),
    # SA -> solar_azimuth (degrees) (different convention)
    ParameterMap("SA", "solar_azimuth", lambda x: x + 180),
    # Weather / atmospheric parameters
    ParameterMap('TEMP', 'temp_air'),
    ParameterMap('TD', 'temp_dew'),
    # surface_pressure (hPa) -> pressure (Pa)
    ParameterMap('AP', 'pressure', lambda x: x*100),
    ParameterMap('RH', 'relative_humidity'),
    ParameterMap('WS', 'wind_speed'),
    ParameterMap('WD', 'wind_direction'),
    ParameterMap('INC', 'aoi'),  # angle of incidence of direct irradiance
    # precipitable_water (kg/m2) -> precipitable_water (cm)
    ParameterMap('PWAT', 'precipitable_water', lambda x: x/10),

    'issued', 'site name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation',
    'summarization type', 'summarization period'

# Variables that use "-9" as nan values
NA_9_COLUMNS = ['GHI', 'GHIc', 'DNI', 'DNIc', 'DIF', 'GTI', 'GIc', 'KT', 'PAR',
                'PREC', 'PWAT', 'SDWE', 'SFWE']

[docs]def get_solargis(latitude, longitude, start, end, variables, api_key, time_resolution, timestamp_type='center', tz='GMT+00', terrain_shading=True, url=URL, map_variables=True, timeout=30): """ Retrieve irradiance time series data from Solargis. The Solargis [1]_ API is described in [2]_. Parameters ---------- latitude: float In decimal degrees, between -90 and 90, north is positive (ISO 19115) longitude: float In decimal degrees, between -180 and 180, east is positive (ISO 19115) start : datetime-like Start date of time series. end : datetime-like End date of time series. variables : list List of variables to request, see [2]_ for options. api_key : str API key. time_resolution : str, {'PT05M', 'PT10M', 'PT15M', 'PT30', 'PT1H', 'P1D', 'P1M', 'P1Y'} Time resolution as an integer number of minutes (e.g. 5, 60) or an ISO 8601 duration string (e.g. "PT05M", "PT60M", "P1M"). timestamp_type : {'start', 'center', 'end'}, default: 'center' Labeling of time stamps of the return data. tz : str, default : 'GMT+00' Timezone of `start` and `end` in the format "GMT+hh" or "GMT-hh". terrain_shading : boolean, default: True Whether to account for horizon shading. url : str, default : :const:`pvlib.iotools.solargis.URL` Base url of Solargis API. map_variables : boolean, default: True When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names where applicable. See variable :const:`VARIABLE_MAP`. timeout : int or float, default: 30 Time in seconds to wait for server response before timeout Returns ------- data : DataFrame DataFrame containing time series data. meta : dict Dictionary containing metadata. Raises ------ requests.HTTPError A message from the Solargis server if the request is rejected Notes ----- Each XML request is limited to retrieving 31 days of data. The variable units depends on the time frequency, e.g., the unit for sub-hourly irradiance data is :math:`W/m^2`, for hourly data it is :math:`Wh/m^2`, and for daily data it is :math:`kWh/m^2`. References ---------- .. [1] `Solargis <>`_ .. [2] `Solargis API User Guide <>`_ Examples -------- >>> # Retrieve two days of irradiance data from Solargis >>> data, meta = response = pvlib.iotools.get_solargis( >>> latitude=48.61259, longitude=20.827079, >>> start='2022-01-01', end='2022-01-02', >>> variables=['GHI', 'DNI'], time_resolution='PT05M', api_key='demo') """ # noqa: E501 # Use pd.to_datetime so that strings (e.g. '2021-01-01') are accepted start = pd.to_datetime(start) end = pd.to_datetime(end) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} # Solargis recommends creating a unique site_id for each location request. # The site_id does not impact the data retrieval and is used for debugging. site_id = f"latitude_{latitude}_longitude_{longitude}" request_xml = f'''<ws:dataDeliveryRequest dateFrom="{start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" dateTo="{end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" xmlns="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:pv="" xmlns:xsi=""> <site id="{site_id}" name="" lat="{latitude}" lng="{longitude}"> </site> <processing key="{' '.join(variables)}" summarization="{TIME_RESOLUTION_MAP.get(time_resolution, time_resolution).upper()}" terrainShading="{str(terrain_shading).lower()}"> <timestampType>{timestamp_type.upper()}</timestampType> <timeZone>{tz}</timeZone> </processing> </ws:dataDeliveryRequest>''' # noqa: E501 response = + "?key=" + api_key, headers=headers, data=request_xml.encode('utf8'), timeout=timeout) if response.ok is False: raise requests.HTTPError(response.json()) # Parse metadata header = pd.read_xml(io.StringIO(response.text), parser='etree') meta_lines = header['metadata'].iloc[0].split('#') meta_lines = [line.strip() for line in meta_lines] meta = {} for line in meta_lines: if ':' in line: key = line.split(':')[0].lower() if key in METADATA_FIELDS: meta[key] = ':'.join(line.split(':')[1:]) meta['latitude'] = float(meta['latitude']) meta['longitude'] = float(meta['longitude']) meta['altitude'] = float(meta.pop('elevation').replace('m a.s.l.', '')) # Parse data data = pd.read_xml(io.StringIO(response.text), xpath='.//doc:row', namespaces={'doc': ''}, parser='etree') data.index = pd.to_datetime(data['dateTime']) # when requesting one variable, it is necessary to convert dataframe to str data = data['values'].astype(str).str.split(' ', expand=True) data = data.astype(float) data.columns = header['columns'].iloc[0].split() # Replace "-9" with nan values for specific columns for variable in data.columns: if variable in NA_9_COLUMNS: data[variable] = data[variable].replace(-9, pd.NA) # rename and convert variables if map_variables: for variable in VARIABLE_MAP: if variable.solargis_name in data.columns: data.rename( columns={variable.solargis_name: variable.pvlib_name}, inplace=True ) data[variable.pvlib_name] = data[ variable.pvlib_name].apply(variable.conversion) return data, meta