Source code for pvlib.pvarray

This module contains implementations of PV module and array electrical models.

These models are used to predict the electrical behavior of pv modules
or collections of pv modules (arrays).  The primary inputs are
effective irradiance and operating temperature and the outputs may range from
power or efficiency at the maximum power point to complete IV curves.
Supporting functions and parameter fitting functions may also be found here.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.special import exp10

[docs] def pvefficiency_adr(effective_irradiance, temp_cell, k_a, k_d, tc_d, k_rs, k_rsh): ''' Calculate PV module efficiency using the ADR model. The efficiency varies with irradiance and operating temperature and is determined by 5 model parameters as described in [1]_. Parameters ---------- effective_irradiance : numeric, non-negative The effective irradiance incident on the PV module. [W/m^2] temp_cell : numeric The PV module operating temperature. [°C] k_a : numeric Absolute scaling factor, which is equal to the efficiency at reference conditions. This factor allows the model to be used with relative or absolute efficiencies, and to accommodate data sets which are not perfectly normalized but have a slight bias at the reference conditions. [unitless] k_d : numeric, negative “Dark irradiance” or diode coefficient which influences the voltage increase with irradiance. [unitless] tc_d : numeric Temperature coefficient of the diode coefficient, which indirectly influences voltage. Because it is the only temperature coefficient in the model, its value will also reflect secondary temperature dependencies that are present in the PV module. [unitless] k_rs : numeric Series resistance loss coefficient. Because of the normalization it can be read as a power loss fraction at reference conditions. For example, if ``k_rs`` is 0.05, the internal loss assigned to the series resistance has a magnitude equal to 5% of the module output. [unitless] k_rsh : numeric Shunt resistance loss coefficient. Can be interpreted as a power loss fraction at reference conditions like ``k_rs``. [unitless] Returns ------- eta : numeric The efficiency of the module at the specified irradiance and temperature. Notes ----- Efficiency values ``eta`` may be absolute or relative, and may be expressed as percent or per unit. This is determined by the efficiency data used to derive values for the 5 model parameters. The first model parameter ``k_a`` is equal to the efficiency at STC and therefore indicates the efficiency scale being used. ``k_a`` can also be changed freely to adjust the scale, or to change the module to a slightly higher or lower efficiency class. All arguments may be scalars or array-like. If multiple arguments are array-like they must be the same shape or broadcastable to the same shape. See also -------- pvlib.pvarray.fit_pvefficiency_adr References ---------- .. [1] A. Driesse and J. S. Stein, "From IEC 61853 power measurements to PV system simulations", Sandia Report No. SAND2020-3877, 2020. :doi:`10.2172/1615179` .. [2] A. Driesse, M. Theristis and J. S. Stein, "A New Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Model for Energy Prediction and Rating," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 527-534, March 2021. :doi:`10.1109/JPHOTOV.2020.3045677` Examples -------- >>> pvefficiency_adr([1000, 200], 25, k_a=100, k_d=-6.0, tc_d=0.02, k_rs=0.05, k_rsh=0.10) array([100. , 92.79729308]) >>> pvefficiency_adr([1000, 200], 25, k_a=1.0, k_d=-6.0, tc_d=0.02, k_rs=0.05, k_rsh=0.10) array([1. , 0.92797293]) ''' # Contributed by Anton Driesse (@adriesse), PV Performance Labs, Dec. 2022 # Adapted from k_a = np.array(k_a) k_d = np.array(k_d) tc_d = np.array(tc_d) k_rs = np.array(k_rs) k_rsh = np.array(k_rsh) # normalize the irradiance G_REF = np.array(1000.) s = effective_irradiance / G_REF # obtain the difference from reference temperature T_REF = np.array(25.) dt = temp_cell - T_REF # equation 29 in JPV s_o = exp10(k_d + (dt * tc_d)) # noQA: E221 s_o_ref = exp10(k_d) # equation 28 and 30 in JPV # the constant k_v does not appear here because it cancels out v = np.log(s / s_o + 1) # noQA: E221 v /= np.log(1 / s_o_ref + 1) # equation 25 in JPV eta = k_a * ((1 + k_rs + k_rsh) * v - k_rs * s - k_rsh * v**2) return eta
[docs] def fit_pvefficiency_adr(effective_irradiance, temp_cell, eta, dict_output=True, **kwargs): """ Determine the parameters of the ADR module efficiency model by non-linear least-squares fit to lab or field measurements. Parameters ---------- effective_irradiance : numeric, non-negative Effective irradiance incident on the PV module. [W/m^2] temp_cell : numeric PV module operating temperature. [°C] eta : numeric Efficiency of the PV module at the specified irradiance and temperature(s). [unitless] or [%] dict_output : boolean, optional When True (default), return the result as a dictionary; when False, return the result as a numpy array. kwargs : Optional keyword arguments passed to `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`. These kwargs can over-ride some options set within this function, which could be interesting for very advanced users. Returns ------- popt : array or dict Optimal values for the parameters. Notes ----- The best fits are obtained when the lab or field data include a wide range of both irradiance and temperature values. A minimal data set would consist of 6 operating points covering low, medium and high irradiance levels at two operating temperatures. See also -------- pvlib.pvarray.pvefficiency_adr scipy.optimize.curve_fit """ # Contributed by Anton Driesse (@adriesse), PV Performance Labs, Dec. 2022 # Adapted from irradiance = np.asarray(effective_irradiance, dtype=float).reshape(-1) temperature = np.asarray(temp_cell, dtype=float).reshape(-1) eta = np.asarray(eta, dtype=float).reshape(-1) eta_max = np.max(eta) P_NAMES = ['k_a', 'k_d', 'tc_d', 'k_rs', 'k_rsh'] P_MAX = [+np.inf, 0, +0.1, 1, 1] # noQA: E221 P_MIN = [0, -12, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0] # noQA: E221 P0 = [eta_max, -6, 0.0, 1e-3, 1e-3] # noQA: E221 P_SCALE = [eta_max, 10, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0] SIGMA = 1 / np.sqrt(irradiance / 1000) fit_options = dict(p0=P0, bounds=[P_MIN, P_MAX], method='trf', x_scale=P_SCALE, loss='soft_l1', f_scale=eta_max * 0.05, sigma=SIGMA, ) fit_options.update(kwargs) def adr_wrapper(xdata, *params): return pvefficiency_adr(*xdata, *params) result = curve_fit(adr_wrapper, xdata=[irradiance, temperature], ydata=eta, **fit_options, ) popt = result[0] if dict_output: return dict(zip(P_NAMES, popt)) else: return popt
def _infer_k_huld(cell_type, pdc0): # from PVGIS documentation, "PVGIS data sources & calculation methods", # Section 5.2.3, accessed 12/22/2023 # The parameters in PVGIS' documentation are for a version of Huld's # equation that has factored Pdc0 out of the polynomial: # P = G/1000 * Pdc0 * (1 + k1 log(Geff) + ...) so these parameters are # multiplied by pdc0 huld_params = {'csi': (-0.017237, -0.040465, -0.004702, 0.000149, 0.000170, 0.000005), 'cis': (-0.005554, -0.038724, -0.003723, -0.000905, -0.001256, 0.000001), 'cdte': (-0.046689, -0.072844, -0.002262, 0.000276, 0.000159, -0.000006)} k = tuple([x*pdc0 for x in huld_params[cell_type.lower()]]) return k
[docs] def huld(effective_irradiance, temp_mod, pdc0, k=None, cell_type=None): r""" Power (DC) using the Huld model. The Huld model [1]_ is used by PVGIS and is given by .. math:: P_{dc} &= G' ( P_{dc0} + k_1 \log(G') + k_2 \log^2 (G') + k_3 T' + k_4 T' \log(G') + k_5 T' \log^2 (G') + k_6 T'^2) G' &= \frac{G_{poa eff}}{1000} T' &= T_{mod} - 25^{\circ}C Parameters ---------- effective_irradiance : numeric The irradiance that is converted to photocurrent. [:math:`W/m^2`] temp_mod: numeric Module back-surface temperature. [C] pdc0: numeric Power of the modules at reference conditions 1000 :math:`W/m^2` and :math:`25^{\circ}C`. [W] k : tuple, optional Empirical coefficients used in the power model. Length 6. If ``k`` is not provided, ``cell_type`` must be specified. cell_type : str, optional If provided, must be one of ``'cSi'``, ``'CIS'``, or ``'CdTe'``. Used to look up default values for ``k`` if ``k`` is not specified. Returns ------- pdc: numeric DC power. [W] Raises ------ ValueError If neither ``k`` nor ``cell_type`` are specified. Notes ----- The equation for :math:`P_{dc}` is from [1]_. The expression used in PVGIS documentation differs by factoring :math:`P_{dc0}` out of the polynomial: .. math:: P_{dc} = G' P_{dc0} (1 + k'_1 \log(G') + k'_2 \log^2 (G') + k'_3 T' + k'_4 T' \log(G') + k'_5 T' \log^2 (G') + k'_6 T'^2) PVGIS documentation shows a table of default parameters :math:`k'` for different cell types. The parameters :math:`k'` differ from the parameters :math:`k` for :py:func:`huld` by the factor ``pdc0``, that is, .. math:: k = P_{dc0} k' With default values for :math:`k`, at very low irradiance, i.e., :math:`G' < 20 W/m^2`, :math:`P_{dc}` may be negative due to the terms involving :math:`\log(G')`. :py:func:`huld` is a component of the PV performance model implemented in PVGIS. Among other components, the full PVGIS model includes: - the Faiman model for module temperature :py:func:`pvlib.temperature.faiman` - the Martin and Ruiz model for the incidence angle modifier (IAM) :py:func:`pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz` - a custom model for a spectral adjustment factor The PVGIS API (see :py:func:`pvlib.iotools.get_pvgis_hourly`) returns broadband plane-of-array irradiance (``poa_global``) and DC power (``P``). ``poa_global`` is irradiance before applying the IAM and spectral adjustments. In contrast the ``effective_irradiance`` for :py:func:`huld` should have the IAM and spectral adjustments. Users comparing output of :py:func:`huld` to PVGIS' ``P`` values should expect differences unless ``effective_irradiance`` is computed in the same way as done by PVGIS. References ---------- .. [1] T. Huld, G. Friesen, A. Skoczek, R. Kenny, T. Sample, M. Field, E. Dunlop. A power-rating model for crystalline silicon PV modules. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95, (2011), pp. 3359-3369. :doi:`10.1016/j.solmat.2011.07.026`. """ if k is None: if cell_type is not None: k = _infer_k_huld(cell_type, pdc0) else: raise ValueError('Either k or cell_type must be specified') gprime = effective_irradiance / 1000 tprime = temp_mod - 25 # accomodate gprime<=0 with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): logGprime = np.log(gprime, out=np.zeros_like(gprime), where=np.array(gprime > 0)) # Eq. 1 in [1] pdc = gprime * (pdc0 + k[0] * logGprime + k[1] * logGprime**2 + k[2] * tprime + k[3] * tprime * logGprime + k[4] * tprime * logGprime**2 + k[5] * tprime**2) return pdc