Source code for pvlib.snow

The ``snow`` module contains functions that model module snow cover and the
associated effects on PV module output

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import sind, cosd, tand

def _time_delta_in_hours(times):
    delta = times.to_series().diff()
    return delta.dt.total_seconds().div(3600)

[docs] def fully_covered_nrel(snowfall, threshold_snowfall=1.): ''' Calculates the timesteps when the row's slant height is fully covered by snow. Parameters ---------- snowfall : Series Accumulated snowfall in each time period [cm] threshold_snowfall : float, default 1.0 Hourly snowfall above which snow coverage is set to the row's slant height. [cm/hr] Returns ---------- boolean: Series True where the snowfall exceeds the defined threshold to fully cover the panel. Notes ----- Implements the model described in [1]_ with minor improvements in [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] Marion, B.; Schaefer, R.; Caine, H.; Sanchez, G. (2013). "Measured and modeled photovoltaic system energy losses from snow for Colorado and Wisconsin locations." Solar Energy 97; pp.112-121. .. [2] Ryberg, D; Freeman, J. "Integration, Validation, and Application of a PV Snow Coverage Model in SAM" (2017) NREL Technical Report NREL/TP-6A20-68705 ''' timestep = _time_delta_in_hours(snowfall.index) hourly_snow_rate = snowfall / timestep # if we can infer a time frequency, use first snowfall value # otherwise the first snowfall value is ignored freq = pd.infer_freq(snowfall.index) if freq is not None: timedelta = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(freq) / pd.Timedelta('1h') hourly_snow_rate.iloc[0] = snowfall.iloc[0] / timedelta else: # can't infer frequency from index hourly_snow_rate.iloc[0] = 0 # replaces NaN return hourly_snow_rate > threshold_snowfall
[docs] def coverage_nrel(snowfall, poa_irradiance, temp_air, surface_tilt, initial_coverage=0, threshold_snowfall=1., can_slide_coefficient=-80., slide_amount_coefficient=0.197): ''' Calculates the fraction of the slant height of a row of modules covered by snow at every time step. Implements the model described in [1]_ with minor improvements in [2]_, with the change that the output is in fraction of the row's slant height rather than in tenths of the row slant height. As described in [1]_, model validation focused on fixed tilt systems. Parameters ---------- snowfall : Series Accumulated snowfall within each time period. [cm] poa_irradiance : Series Total in-plane irradiance [W/m^2] temp_air : Series Ambient air temperature [C] surface_tilt : numeric Tilt of module's from horizontal, e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90. [degrees] initial_coverage : float, default 0 Fraction of row's slant height that is covered with snow at the beginning of the simulation. [unitless] threshold_snowfall : float, default 1.0 Hourly snowfall above which snow coverage is set to the row's slant height. [cm/hr] can_slide_coefficient : float, default -80. Coefficient to determine if snow can slide given irradiance and air temperature. [W/(m^2 C)] slide_amount_coefficient : float, default 0.197 Coefficient to determine fraction of snow that slides off in one hour. [unitless] Returns ------- snow_coverage : Series The fraction of the slant height of a row of modules that is covered by snow at each time step. Notes ----- In [1]_, `can_slide_coefficient` is termed `m`, and the value of `slide_amount_coefficient` is given in tenths of a module's slant height. References ---------- .. [1] Marion, B.; Schaefer, R.; Caine, H.; Sanchez, G. (2013). "Measured and modeled photovoltaic system energy losses from snow for Colorado and Wisconsin locations." Solar Energy 97; pp.112-121. .. [2] Ryberg, D; Freeman, J. (2017). "Integration, Validation, and Application of a PV Snow Coverage Model in SAM" NREL Technical Report NREL/TP-6A20-68705 ''' # find times with new snowfall new_snowfall = fully_covered_nrel(snowfall, threshold_snowfall) # set up output Series snow_coverage = pd.Series(np.nan, index=poa_irradiance.index) # determine amount that snow can slide in each timestep can_slide = temp_air > poa_irradiance / can_slide_coefficient slide_amt = slide_amount_coefficient * sind(surface_tilt) * \ _time_delta_in_hours(poa_irradiance.index) slide_amt[~can_slide] = 0. # don't slide during snow events slide_amt[new_snowfall] = 0. # don't slide in the interval preceding the snowfall data slide_amt.iloc[0] = 0 # build time series of cumulative slide amounts sliding_period_ID = new_snowfall.cumsum() cumulative_sliding = slide_amt.groupby(sliding_period_ID).cumsum() # set up time series of snow coverage without any sliding applied snow_coverage[new_snowfall] = 1.0 if np.isnan(snow_coverage.iloc[0]): snow_coverage.iloc[0] = initial_coverage snow_coverage.ffill(inplace=True) snow_coverage -= cumulative_sliding # clean up periods where row is completely uncovered return snow_coverage.clip(lower=0)
[docs] def dc_loss_nrel(snow_coverage, num_strings): ''' Calculates the fraction of DC capacity lost due to snow coverage. DC capacity loss assumes that if a string is partially covered by snow, the string's capacity is lost; see [1]_, Eq. 11.8. Module orientation is accounted for by specifying the number of cell strings in parallel along the slant height. For example, a typical 60-cell module has 3 parallel strings, each comprising 20 cells in series, with the cells arranged in 6 columns of 10 cells each. For a row consisting of single modules, if the module is mounted in portrait orientation, i.e., the row slant height is along a column of 10 cells, there is 1 string in parallel along the row slant height, so `num_strings=1`. In contrast, if the module is mounted in landscape orientation with the row slant height comprising 6 cells, there are 3 parallel strings along the row slant height, so `num_strings=3`. Parameters ---------- snow_coverage : numeric The fraction of row slant height covered by snow at each time step. num_strings: int The number of parallel-connected strings along a row slant height. Returns ------- loss : numeric fraction of DC capacity loss due to snow coverage at each time step. References ---------- .. [1] Gilman, P. et al., (2018). "SAM Photovoltaic Model Technical Reference Update", NREL Technical Report NREL/TP-6A20-67399. Available at ''' return np.ceil(snow_coverage * num_strings) / num_strings
def _townsend_effective_snow(snow_total, snow_events): ''' Calculates effective snow using the total snowfall received each month and the number of snowfall events each month. Parameters ---------- snow_total : array-like Snow received each month. Referred to as S in [1]_. [cm] snow_events : array-like Number of snowfall events each month. Referred to as N in [1]_. [-] Returns ------- effective_snowfall : array-like Effective snowfall as defined in the Townsend model. [cm] References ---------- .. [1] Townsend, Tim & Powers, Loren. (2011). Photovoltaics and snow: An update from two winters of measurements in the SIERRA. 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, USA. :doi:`10.1109/PVSC.2011.6186627` ''' snow_events_no_zeros = np.maximum(snow_events, 1) effective_snow = 0.5 * snow_total * (1 + 1 / snow_events_no_zeros) return np.where(snow_events > 0, effective_snow, 0)
[docs] def loss_townsend(snow_total, snow_events, surface_tilt, relative_humidity, temp_air, poa_global, slant_height, lower_edge_height, string_factor=1.0, angle_of_repose=40): ''' Calculates monthly snow loss based on the Townsend monthly snow loss model. This model is described in [1]_. Parameters ---------- snow_total : array-like Snow received each month. Referred to as S in [1]_. [cm] snow_events : array-like Number of snowfall events each month. Snow events are defined as days in the month that have snowfall greater than 1 inch. May be int or float type for the average events in a typical month. Referred to as N in [1]_. surface_tilt : float Tilt angle of the array. [deg] relative_humidity : array-like Monthly average relative humidity. [%] temp_air : array-like Monthly average ambient temperature. [C] poa_global : array-like Monthly plane of array insolation. [Wh/m2] slant_height : float Row length in the slanted plane of array dimension. [m] lower_edge_height : float Distance from array lower edge to the ground. [m] string_factor : float, default 1.0 Multiplier applied to monthly loss fraction. Use 1.0 if the DC array has only one string of modules in the slant direction, use 0.75 otherwise. [-] angle_of_repose : float, default 40 Piled snow angle, assumed to stabilize at 40°, the midpoint of 25°-55° avalanching slope angles. [deg] Returns ------- loss : array-like Monthly average DC capacity loss fraction due to snow coverage. Notes ----- This model has not been validated for tracking arrays; however, for tracking arrays [1]_ suggests using the maximum rotation angle in place of ``surface_tilt``. The author of [1]_ recommends using one-half the table width for ``slant_height``, i.e., the distance from the tracker axis to the module edge. The parameter `string_factor` is an enhancement added to the model after publication of [1]_ per private communication with the model's author. The definition for snow events documented above is also based on private communication with the model's author. References ---------- .. [1] Townsend, Tim & Powers, Loren. (2011). Photovoltaics and snow: An update from two winters of measurements in the SIERRA. 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, USA. :doi:`10.1109/PVSC.2011.6186627` ''' # unit conversions from cm and m to in, from C to K, and from % to fraction # doing this early to facilitate comparison of this code with [1] snow_total_inches = snow_total / 2.54 # to inches relative_humidity_fraction = relative_humidity / 100. poa_global_kWh = poa_global / 1000. slant_height_inches = slant_height * 39.37 lower_edge_height_inches = lower_edge_height * 39.37 temp_air_kelvin = temp_air + 273.15 C1 = 5.7e04 C2 = 0.51 snow_total_prev = np.roll(snow_total_inches, 1) snow_events_prev = np.roll(snow_events, 1) effective_snow = _townsend_effective_snow(snow_total_inches, snow_events) effective_snow_prev = _townsend_effective_snow( snow_total_prev, snow_events_prev ) effective_snow_weighted = ( 1 / 3 * effective_snow_prev + 2 / 3 * effective_snow ) # the lower limit of 0.1 in^2 is per private communication with the model's # author. CWH 1/30/2023 lower_edge_distance = np.clip( lower_edge_height_inches**2 - effective_snow_weighted**2, a_min=0.1, a_max=None) gamma = ( slant_height_inches * effective_snow_weighted * cosd(surface_tilt) / lower_edge_distance * 2 * tand(angle_of_repose) ) ground_interference_term = 1 - C2 * np.exp(-gamma) # Calculate Eqn. 3 in the reference. # Although the reference says Eqn. 3 calculates percentage loss, the y-axis # of Figure 7 indicates Eqn. 3 calculates fractional loss. Since the slope # of the line in Figure 7 is the same as C1 in Eqn. 3, it is assumed that # Eqn. 3 calculates fractional loss. loss_fraction = ( C1 * effective_snow_weighted * cosd(surface_tilt)**2 * ground_interference_term * relative_humidity_fraction / temp_air_kelvin**2 / poa_global_kWh**0.67 * string_factor ) return np.clip(loss_fraction, 0, 1)