
class pvlib.forecast.GFS(resolution='half', set_type='best')[source]

Subclass of the ForecastModel class representing GFS forecast model.

Model data corresponds to 0.25 degree resolution forecasts.


resolution: string

Resolution of the model, either ‘half’ or ‘quarter’ degree.

set_type: string

Type of model to pull data from.


dataframe_variables: list Common variables present in the final set of data.
model: string Name of the UNIDATA forecast model.
model_type: string UNIDATA category in which the model is located.
variables: dict Defines the variables to obtain from the weather model and how they should be renamed to common variable names.
units: dict Dictionary containing the units of the standard variables and the model specific variables.
__init__(resolution='half', set_type='best')[source]


__init__([resolution, set_type])
cloud_cover_to_ghi_linear(cloud_cover, ghi_clear) Convert cloud cover to GHI using a linear relationship.
cloud_cover_to_irradiance(cloud_cover[, how]) Convert cloud cover to irradiance.
cloud_cover_to_irradiance_clearsky_scaling(...) Estimates irradiance from cloud cover in the following steps:
cloud_cover_to_irradiance_liujordan(...) Estimates irradiance from cloud cover in the following steps:
cloud_cover_to_transmittance_linear(cloud_cover) Convert cloud cover to atmospheric transmittance using a linear model.
get_data(latitude, longitude, start, end[, ...]) Submits a query to the UNIDATA servers using Siphon NCSS and converts the netcdf data to a pandas DataFrame.
get_processed_data(*args, **kwargs) Get and process forecast data.
gust_to_speed(data[, scaling]) Computes standard wind speed from gust.
isobaric_to_ambient_temperature(data) Calculates temperature from isobaric temperature.
kelvin_to_celsius(temperature) Converts Kelvin to celsius.
process_data(data[, cloud_cover]) Defines the steps needed to convert raw forecast data into processed forecast data.
rename(data[, variables]) Renames the columns according the variable mapping.
set_dataset() Retrieves the designated dataset, creates NCSS object, and creates a NCSS query object.
set_location(time, latitude, longitude) Sets the location for the query.
set_query_latlon() Sets the NCSS query location latitude and longitude.
set_time(time) Converts time data into a pandas date object.
uv_to_speed(data) Computes wind speed from wind components.

