Source code for pvlib.iotools.srml

"""Collection of functions to operate on data from University of Oregon Solar
Radiation Monitoring Laboratory (SRML) data.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# VARIABLE_MAP is a dictionary mapping SRML data element numbers to their
# pvlib names. For most variables, only the first three digits are used,
# the fourth indicating the instrument. Spectral data (7xxx) uses all
# four digits to indicate the variable. See a full list of data element
# numbers `here. <>`_

    '100': 'ghi',
    '201': 'dni',
    '300': 'dhi',
    '920': 'wind_dir',
    '921': 'wind_speed',
    '930': 'temp_air',
    '931': 'temp_dew',
    '933': 'relative_humidity',
    '937': 'temp_cell',

[docs]def read_srml(filename): """ Read University of Oregon SRML[1] 1min .tsv file into pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- filename: str filepath or url to read for the tsv file. Returns ------- data: Dataframe A dataframe with datetime index and all of the variables listed in the `VARIABLE_MAP` dict inside of the map_columns function, along with their associated quality control flags. Notes ----- The time index is shifted back one minute to account for 2400 hours, and to avoid time parsing errors on leap years. The returned data values should be understood to occur during the interval from the time of the row until the time of the next row. This is consistent with pandas' default labeling behavior. See SRML's `Archival Files`_ page for more information. .. _Archival Files: References ---------- [1] University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory ` <>`_ """ tsv_data = pd.read_csv(filename, delimiter='\t') data = format_index(tsv_data) # Drop day of year and time columns data = data[data.columns[2:]] data = data.rename(columns=map_columns) # Quality flag columns are all labeled 0 in the original data. They # appear immediately after their associated variable and are suffixed # with an integer value when read from the file. So we map flags to # the preceding variable with a '_flag' suffix. # # Example: # Columns ['ghi_0', '0.1', 'temp_air_2', '0.2'] # # Yields a flag_label_map of: # { '0.1': 'ghi_0_flag', # '0.2': 'temp_air_2'} # columns = data.columns flag_label_map = {flag: columns[columns.get_loc(flag) - 1] + '_flag' for flag in columns[1::2]} data = data.rename(columns=flag_label_map) # Mask data marked with quality flag 99 (bad or missing data) for col in columns[::2]: missing = data[col + '_flag'] == 99 data[col] = data[col].where(~(missing), np.NaN) return data
def map_columns(col): """Map data element numbers to pvlib names. Parameters ---------- col: str Column label to be mapped. Returns ------- str The pvlib label if it was found in the mapping, else the original label. """ if col.startswith('7'): # spectral data try: return VARIABLE_MAP[col] except KeyError: return col try: variable_name = VARIABLE_MAP[col[:3]] variable_number = col[3:] return variable_name + '_' + variable_number except KeyError: return col def format_index(df): """Create a datetime index from day of year, and time columns. Parameters ---------- df: pd.Dataframe The srml data to reindex. Returns ------- df: pd.Dataframe The Dataframe with a DatetimeIndex localized to 'Etc/GMT+8'. """ # Name of the second column indicates the year of the file, but # the column contains times. year = int(df.columns[1]) df_doy = df[df.columns[0]] # Times are expressed as integers from 1-2400, we convert to 0-2359 by # subracting one and then correcting the minutes at each former hour. df_time = df[df.columns[1]] - 1 fifty_nines = df_time % 100 == 99 times = df_time.where(~fifty_nines, df_time - 40) times = times.apply(lambda x: '{:04.0f}'.format(x)) doy = df_doy.apply(lambda x: '{:03.0f}'.format(x)) dts = pd.to_datetime(str(year) + '-' + doy + '-' + times, format='%Y-%j-%H%M') df.index = dts df = df.tz_localize('Etc/GMT+8') return df
[docs]def read_srml_month_from_solardat(station, year, month, filetype='PO'): """Request a month of SRML[1] data from solardat and read it into a Dataframe. Parameters ---------- station: str The name of the SRML station to request. year: int Year to request data for month: int Month to request data for. filetype: string SRML file type to gather. 'RO' and 'PO' are the only minute resolution files. Returns ------- data: pd.DataFrame One month of data from SRML. References ---------- [1] University of Oregon Solar Radiation Measurement Laboratory ` <>`_ """ file_name = "{station}{filetype}{year:02d}{month:02d}.txt".format( station=station, filetype=filetype, year=year % 100, month=month) url = "" data = read_srml(url + file_name) return data