Source code for pvlib.iotools.surfrad

Import functions for NOAA SURFRAD Data.
import io

    # python 2 compatibility
    from urllib2 import urlopen, Request
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen, Request

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

    'year', 'jday', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'dt', 'zen',
    'dw_solar', 'dw_solar_flag', 'uw_solar', 'uw_solar_flag', 'direct_n',
    'direct_n_flag', 'diffuse', 'diffuse_flag', 'dw_ir', 'dw_ir_flag',
    'dw_casetemp', 'dw_casetemp_flag', 'dw_dometemp', 'dw_dometemp_flag',
    'uw_ir', 'uw_ir_flag', 'uw_casetemp', 'uw_casetemp_flag', 'uw_dometemp',
    'uw_dometemp_flag', 'uvb', 'uvb_flag', 'par', 'par_flag', 'netsolar',
    'netsolar_flag', 'netir', 'netir_flag', 'totalnet', 'totalnet_flag',
    'temp', 'temp_flag', 'rh', 'rh_flag', 'windspd', 'windspd_flag',
    'winddir', 'winddir_flag', 'pressure', 'pressure_flag']

# Dictionary mapping surfrad variables to pvlib names
    'zen': 'solar_zenith',
    'dw_solar': 'ghi',
    'dw_solar_flag': 'ghi_flag',
    'direct_n': 'dni',
    'direct_n_flag': 'dni_flag',
    'diffuse': 'dhi',
    'diffuse_flag': 'dhi_flag',
    'temp': 'temp_air',
    'temp_flag': 'temp_air_flag',
    'windspd': 'wind_speed',
    'windspd_flag': 'wind_speed_flag',
    'winddir': 'wind_direction',
    'winddir_flag': 'wind_direction_flag',
    'rh': 'relative_humidity',
    'rh_flag': 'relative_humidity_flag'

[docs]def read_surfrad(filename, map_variables=True): """Read in a daily NOAA SURFRAD[1] file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Filepath or url. map_variables: bool When true, renames columns of the Dataframe to pvlib variable names where applicable. See variable SURFRAD_COLUMNS. Returns ------- Tuple of the form (data, metadata). data: Dataframe Dataframe with the fields found below. metadata: dict Site metadata included in the file. Notes ----- Metadata dictionary includes the following fields: =============== ====== =============== Key Format Description =============== ====== =============== station String site name latitude Float site latitude longitude Float site longitude elevation Int site elevation surfrad_version Int surfrad version tz String Timezone (UTC) =============== ====== =============== Dataframe includes the following fields: ======================= ====== ========================================== raw, mapped Format Description ======================= ====== ========================================== **Mapped field names are returned when the map_variables argument is True** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- year int year as 4 digit int jday int day of year 1-365(or 366) month int month (1-12) day int day of month(1-31) hour int hour (0-23) minute int minute (0-59) dt float decimal time i.e. 23.5 = 2330 zen, solar_zenith float solar zenith angle (deg) **Fields below have associated qc flags labeled <field>_flag.** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- dw_solar, ghi float downwelling global solar(W/m^2) uw_solar float updownwelling global solar(W/m^2) direct_n, dni float direct normal solar (W/m^2) diffuse, dhi float downwelling diffuse solar (W/m^2) dw_ir float downwelling thermal infrared (W/m^2) dw_casetemp float downwelling IR case temp (K) dw_dometemp float downwelling IR dome temp (K) uw_ir float upwelling thermal infrared (W/m^2) uw_casetemp float upwelling IR case temp (K) uw_dometemp float upwelling IR case temp (K) uvb float global uvb (miliWatts/m^2) par float photosynthetically active radiation(W/m^2) netsolar float net solar (dw_solar - uw_solar) (W/m^2) netir float net infrared (dw_ir - uw_ir) (W/m^2) totalnet float net radiation (netsolar+netir) (W/m^2) temp, temp_air float 10-meter air temperature (?C) rh, relative_humidity float relative humidity (%) windspd, wind_speed float wind speed (m/s) winddir, wind_direction float wind direction (deg, clockwise from north) pressure float station pressure (mb) ======================= ====== ========================================== See README files located in the station directories in the SURFRAD data archives[2] for details on SURFRAD daily data files. References ---------- [1] NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Surface Radiation Budget Network `SURFRAD Homepage <>`_ [2] NOAA SURFRAD Data Archive `SURFRAD Archive <>`_ """ if filename.startswith('ftp'): req = Request(filename) response = urlopen(req) file_buffer = io.StringIO('ignore')) else: file_buffer = open(filename, 'r') # Read and parse the first two lines to build the metadata dict. station = file_buffer.readline() file_metadata = file_buffer.readline() metadata_list = file_metadata.split() metadata = {} metadata['name'] = station.strip() metadata['latitude'] = float(metadata_list[0]) metadata['longitude'] = float(metadata_list[1]) metadata['elevation'] = float(metadata_list[2]) metadata['surfrad_version'] = int(metadata_list[-1]) metadata['tz'] = 'UTC' data = pd.read_csv(file_buffer, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=SURFRAD_COLUMNS) file_buffer.close() data = format_index(data) missing = data == -9999.9 data = data.where(~missing, np.NaN) if map_variables: data.rename(columns=VARIABLE_MAP, inplace=True) return data, metadata
def format_index(data): """Create UTC localized DatetimeIndex for the dataframe. Parameters ---------- data: Dataframe Must contain columns 'year', 'jday', 'hour' and 'minute'. Return ------ data: Dataframe Dataframe with a DatetimeIndex localized to UTC. """ year = data.year.apply(str) jday = data.jday.apply(lambda x: '{:03d}'.format(x)) hours = data.hour.apply(lambda x: '{:02d}'.format(x)) minutes = data.minute.apply(lambda x: '{:02d}'.format(x)) index = pd.to_datetime(year + jday + hours + minutes, format="%Y%j%H%M") data.index = index data = data.tz_localize('UTC') return data