Source code for pvlib.iam

The ``iam`` module contains functions that implement models for the incidence
angle modifier (IAM). The IAM quantifies the fraction of direct irradiance on
a module's front surface that is transmitted through the module materials to
the cells. Stated differently, the quantity 1 - IAM is the fraction of direct
irradiance that is reflected away or absorbed by the module's front materials.
IAM is typically a function of the angle of incidence (AOI) of the direct
irradiance to the module's surface.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import functools
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from import cosd, sind, acosd

# a dict of required parameter names for each IAM model
# keys are the function names for the IAM models
    'ashrae': {'b'},
    'physical': {'n', 'K', 'L'},
    'martin_ruiz': {'a_r'},
    'sapm': {'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5'},
    'interp': {'theta_ref', 'iam_ref'}

[docs]def ashrae(aoi, b=0.05): r""" Determine the incidence angle modifier using the ASHRAE transmission model. The ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) transmission model is developed in [1]_, and in [2]_. The model has been used in software such as PVSyst [3]_. Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric The angle of incidence (AOI) between the module normal vector and the sun-beam vector in degrees. Angles of nan will result in nan. b : float, default 0.05 A parameter to adjust the incidence angle modifier as a function of angle of incidence. Typical values are on the order of 0.05 [3]. Returns ------- iam : numeric The incident angle modifier (IAM). Returns zero for all abs(aoi) >= 90 and for all ``iam`` values that would be less than 0. Notes ----- The incidence angle modifier is calculated as .. math:: IAM = 1 - b (\sec(aoi) - 1) As AOI approaches 90 degrees, the model yields negative values for IAM; negative IAM values are set to zero in this implementation. References ---------- .. [1] Souka A.F., Safwat H.H., "Determination of the optimum orientations for the double exposure flat-plate collector and its reflections". Solar Energy vol .10, pp 170-174. 1966. .. [2] ASHRAE standard 93-77 .. [3] PVsyst 7 Help. retrieved on January 30, 2024 See Also -------- pvlib.iam.physical pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.interp """ iam = 1 - b * (1 / np.cos(np.radians(aoi)) - 1) aoi_gte_90 = np.full_like(aoi, False, dtype='bool') np.greater_equal(np.abs(aoi), 90, where=~np.isnan(aoi), out=aoi_gte_90) iam = np.where(aoi_gte_90, 0, iam) iam = np.maximum(0, iam) if isinstance(aoi, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, index=aoi.index) return iam
[docs]def physical(aoi, n=1.526, K=4.0, L=0.002, *, n_ar=None): r""" Determine the incidence angle modifier using refractive index ``n``, extinction coefficient ``K``, glazing thickness ``L`` and refractive index ``n_ar`` of an optional anti-reflective coating. ``iam.physical`` calculates the incidence angle modifier as described in [1]_, Section 3, with additional support of an anti-reflective coating. The calculation is based on a physical model of reflections, absorption, and transmission through a transparent cover. Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the sun-beam vector in degrees. Angles of nan will result in nan. n : numeric, default 1.526 The effective index of refraction (unitless). Reference [1]_ indicates that a value of 1.526 is acceptable for glass. K : numeric, default 4.0 The glazing extinction coefficient in units of 1/meters. Reference [1] indicates that a value of 4 is reasonable for "water white" glass. L : numeric, default 0.002 The glazing thickness in units of meters. Reference [1]_ indicates that 0.002 meters (2 mm) is reasonable for most glass-covered PV panels. n_ar : numeric, optional The effective index of refraction of the anti-reflective (AR) coating (unitless). If ``n_ar`` is not supplied, no AR coating is applied. A typical value for the effective index of an AR coating is 1.29. Returns ------- iam : numeric The incident angle modifier Notes ----- The pvlib python authors believe that Eqn. 14 in [1]_ is incorrect, which presents :math:`\theta_{r} = \arcsin(n \sin(AOI))`. Here, :math:`\theta_{r} = \arcsin(1/n \times \sin(AOI))` References ---------- .. [1] W. De Soto et al., "Improvement and validation of a model for photovoltaic array performance", Solar Energy, vol 80, pp. 78-88, 2006. .. [2] Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A.. (2006). Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, third edition. [Books24x7 version] Available from See Also -------- pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.interp pvlib.iam.sapm """ n1, n3 = 1, n if n_ar is None or np.allclose(n_ar, n1): # no AR coating n2 = n else: n2 = n_ar # incidence angle costheta = np.maximum(0, cosd(aoi)) # always >= 0 sintheta = np.sqrt(1 - costheta**2) # always >= 0 n1costheta1 = n1 * costheta n2costheta1 = n2 * costheta # refraction angle of first interface sintheta = n1 / n2 * sintheta costheta = np.sqrt(1 - sintheta**2) n1costheta2 = n1 * costheta n2costheta2 = n2 * costheta # reflectance of s-, p-polarized, and normal light by the first interface with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): rho12_s = \ ((n1costheta1 - n2costheta2) / (n1costheta1 + n2costheta2)) ** 2 rho12_p = \ ((n1costheta2 - n2costheta1) / (n1costheta2 + n2costheta1)) ** 2 rho12_0 = ((n1 - n2) / (n1 + n2)) ** 2 # transmittance through the first interface tau_s = 1 - rho12_s tau_p = 1 - rho12_p tau_0 = 1 - rho12_0 if not np.allclose(n3, n2): # AR coated glass n3costheta2 = n3 * costheta # refraction angle of second interface sintheta = n2 / n3 * sintheta costheta = np.sqrt(1 - sintheta**2) n2costheta3 = n2 * costheta n3costheta3 = n3 * costheta # reflectance by the second interface rho23_s = ( (n2costheta2 - n3costheta3) / (n2costheta2 + n3costheta3) ) ** 2 rho23_p = ( (n2costheta3 - n3costheta2) / (n2costheta3 + n3costheta2) ) ** 2 rho23_0 = ((n2 - n3) / (n2 + n3)) ** 2 # transmittance through the coating, including internal reflections # 1 + rho23*rho12 + (rho23*rho12)^2 + ... = 1/(1 - rho23*rho12) tau_s *= (1 - rho23_s) / (1 - rho23_s * rho12_s) tau_p *= (1 - rho23_p) / (1 - rho23_p * rho12_p) tau_0 *= (1 - rho23_0) / (1 - rho23_0 * rho12_0) # transmittance after absorption in the glass with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): tau_s *= np.exp(-K * L / costheta) tau_p *= np.exp(-K * L / costheta) tau_0 *= np.exp(-K * L) # incidence angle modifier iam = (tau_s + tau_p) / 2 / tau_0 # for light coming from behind the plane, none can enter the module # when n2 > 1, this is already the case if np.isclose(n2, 1).any(): iam = np.where(aoi >= 90, 0, iam) if isinstance(aoi, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, index=aoi.index) return iam
[docs]def martin_ruiz(aoi, a_r=0.16): r''' Determine the incidence angle modifier (IAM) using the Martin and Ruiz incident angle model. Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric, degrees The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the sun-beam vector in degrees. a_r : numeric The angular losses coefficient described in equation 3 of [1]_. This is an empirical dimensionless parameter. Values of ``a_r`` are generally on the order of 0.08 to 0.25 for flat-plate PV modules. Returns ------- iam : numeric The incident angle modifier(s) Notes ----- `martin_ruiz` calculates the incidence angle modifier (IAM) as described in [1]_. The information required is the incident angle (AOI) and the angular losses coefficient (a_r). Note that [1]_ has a corrigendum [2]_ which clarifies a mix-up of 'alpha's and 'a's in the former. The incident angle modifier is defined as .. math:: IAM = \frac{1 - \exp(-\frac{\cos(aoi)}{a_r})} {1 - \exp(\frac{-1}{a_r})} which is presented as :math:`AL(\alpha) = 1 - IAM` in equation 4 of [1]_, with :math:`\alpha` representing the angle of incidence AOI. Thus IAM = 1 at AOI = 0, and IAM = 0 at AOI = 90. This equation is only valid for -90 <= aoi <= 90, therefore `iam` is constrained to 0.0 outside this interval. References ---------- .. [1] N. Martin and J. M. Ruiz, "Calculation of the PV modules angular losses under field conditions by means of an analytical model", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 70, pp. 25-38, 2001. .. [2] N. Martin and J. M. Ruiz, "Corrigendum to 'Calculation of the PV modules angular losses under field conditions by means of an analytical model'", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 110, pp. 154, 2013. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz_diffuse pvlib.iam.physical pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.interp pvlib.iam.sapm ''' # Contributed by Anton Driesse (@adriesse), PV Performance Labs. July, 2019 aoi_input = aoi aoi = np.asanyarray(aoi) a_r = np.asanyarray(a_r) if np.any(np.less_equal(a_r, 0)): raise ValueError("The parameter 'a_r' cannot be zero or negative.") with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): iam = (1 - np.exp(-cosd(aoi) / a_r)) / (1 - np.exp(-1 / a_r)) iam = np.where(np.abs(aoi) >= 90.0, 0.0, iam) if isinstance(aoi_input, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, index=aoi_input.index) return iam
[docs]def martin_ruiz_diffuse(surface_tilt, a_r=0.16, c1=0.4244, c2=None): ''' Determine the incidence angle modifiers (iam) for diffuse sky and ground-reflected irradiance using the Martin and Ruiz incident angle model. Parameters ---------- surface_tilt: float or array-like, default 0 Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees. The tilt angle is defined as degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90) surface_tilt must be in the range [0, 180] a_r : numeric The angular losses coefficient described in equation 3 of [1]_. This is an empirical dimensionless parameter. Values of a_r are generally on the order of 0.08 to 0.25 for flat-plate PV modules. a_r must be greater than zero. c1 : float First fitting parameter for the expressions that approximate the integral of diffuse irradiance coming from different directions. c1 is given as the constant 4 / 3 / pi (0.4244) in [1]_. c2 : float Second fitting parameter for the expressions that approximate the integral of diffuse irradiance coming from different directions. If c2 is not specified, it will be calculated according to the linear relationship given in [3]_. Returns ------- iam_sky : numeric The incident angle modifier for sky diffuse iam_ground : numeric The incident angle modifier for ground-reflected diffuse Notes ----- Sky and ground modifiers are complementary: iam_sky for tilt = 30 is equal to iam_ground for tilt = 180 - 30. For vertical surfaces, tilt = 90, the two factors are equal. References ---------- .. [1] N. Martin and J. M. Ruiz, "Calculation of the PV modules angular losses under field conditions by means of an analytical model", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 70, pp. 25-38, 2001. .. [2] N. Martin and J. M. Ruiz, "Corrigendum to 'Calculation of the PV modules angular losses under field conditions by means of an analytical model'", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol. 110, pp. 154, 2013. .. [3] "IEC 61853-3 Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating - Part 3: Energy rating of PV modules". IEC, Geneva, 2018. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.physical pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.interp pvlib.iam.sapm ''' # Contributed by Anton Driesse (@adriesse), PV Performance Labs. Oct. 2019 if isinstance(surface_tilt, pd.Series): out_index = surface_tilt.index else: out_index = None surface_tilt = np.asanyarray(surface_tilt) # avoid undefined results for horizontal or upside-down surfaces zeroang = 1e-06 surface_tilt = np.where(surface_tilt == 0, zeroang, surface_tilt) surface_tilt = np.where(surface_tilt == 180, 180 - zeroang, surface_tilt) if c2 is None: # This equation is from [3] Sect. 7.2 c2 = 0.5 * a_r - 0.154 beta = np.radians(surface_tilt) sin = np.sin pi = np.pi cos = np.cos # avoid RuntimeWarnings for <, sin, and cos with nan with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # because sin(pi) isn't exactly zero sin_beta = np.where(surface_tilt < 90, sin(beta), sin(pi - beta)) trig_term_sky = sin_beta + (pi - beta - sin_beta) / (1 + cos(beta)) trig_term_gnd = sin_beta + (beta - sin_beta) / (1 - cos(beta)) # noqa: E222 E261 E501 iam_sky = 1 - np.exp(-(c1 + c2 * trig_term_sky) * trig_term_sky / a_r) iam_gnd = 1 - np.exp(-(c1 + c2 * trig_term_gnd) * trig_term_gnd / a_r) if out_index is not None: iam_sky = pd.Series(iam_sky, index=out_index, name='iam_sky') iam_gnd = pd.Series(iam_gnd, index=out_index, name='iam_ground') return iam_sky, iam_gnd
[docs]def interp(aoi, theta_ref, iam_ref, method='linear', normalize=True): r''' Determine the incidence angle modifier (IAM) by interpolating a set of reference values, which are usually measured values. Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the sun-beam vector [degrees]. theta_ref : numeric Vector of angles at which the IAM is known [degrees]. iam_ref : numeric IAM values for each angle in ``theta_ref`` [unitless]. method : str, default 'linear' Specifies the interpolation method. Useful options are: 'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'. See scipy.interpolate.interp1d for more options. normalize : boolean, default True When true, the interpolated values are divided by the interpolated value at zero degrees. This ensures that ``iam=1.0`` at normal incidence. Returns ------- iam : numeric The incident angle modifier(s) [unitless] Notes ----- ``theta_ref`` must have two or more points and may span any range of angles. Typically there will be a dozen or more points in the range 0-90 degrees. Beyond the range of ``theta_ref``, IAM values are extrapolated, but constrained to be non-negative. The sign of ``aoi`` is ignored; only the magnitude is used. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.physical pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.sapm ''' # Contributed by Anton Driesse (@adriesse), PV Performance Labs. July, 2019 from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # Scipy doesn't give the clearest feedback, so check number of points here. MIN_REF_VALS = {'linear': 2, 'quadratic': 3, 'cubic': 4, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4} if len(theta_ref) < MIN_REF_VALS.get(method, 2): raise ValueError("Too few reference points defined " "for interpolation method '%s'." % method) if np.any(np.less(iam_ref, 0)): raise ValueError("Negative value(s) found in 'iam_ref'. " "This is not physically possible.") interpolator = interp1d(theta_ref, iam_ref, kind=method, fill_value='extrapolate') aoi_input = aoi aoi = np.asanyarray(aoi) aoi = np.abs(aoi) iam = interpolator(aoi) iam = np.clip(iam, 0, None) if normalize: iam /= interpolator(0) if isinstance(aoi_input, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, index=aoi_input.index) return iam
[docs]def sapm(aoi, module, upper=None): r""" Determine the incidence angle modifier (IAM) using the SAPM model. Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric Angle of incidence in degrees. Negative input angles will return zeros. module : dict-like A dict or Series with the SAPM IAM model parameters. See the :py:func:`sapm` notes section for more details. upper : float, optional Upper limit on the results. Returns ------- iam : numeric The SAPM angle of incidence loss coefficient, termed F2 in [1]_. Notes ----- The SAPM [1]_ traditionally does not define an upper limit on the AOI loss function and values slightly exceeding 1 may exist for moderate angles of incidence (15-40 degrees). However, users may consider imposing an upper limit of 1. References ---------- .. [1] King, D. et al, 2004, "Sandia Photovoltaic Array Performance Model", SAND Report 3535, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. .. [2] B.H. King et al, "Procedure to Determine Coefficients for the Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM)," SAND2016-5284, Sandia National Laboratories (2016). .. [3] B.H. King et al, "Recent Advancements in Outdoor Measurement Techniques for Angle of Incidence Effects," 42nd IEEE PVSC (2015). :doi:`10.1109/PVSC.2015.7355849` See Also -------- pvlib.iam.physical pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.interp """ aoi_coeff = [module['B5'], module['B4'], module['B3'], module['B2'], module['B1'], module['B0']] iam = np.polyval(aoi_coeff, aoi) iam = np.clip(iam, 0, upper) # nan tolerant masking aoi_lt_0 = np.full_like(aoi, False, dtype='bool') np.less(aoi, 0, where=~np.isnan(aoi), out=aoi_lt_0) iam = np.where(aoi_lt_0, 0, iam) if isinstance(aoi, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, aoi.index) return iam
[docs]def marion_diffuse(model, surface_tilt, **kwargs): """ Determine diffuse irradiance incidence angle modifiers using Marion's method of integrating over solid angle. Parameters ---------- model : str The IAM function to evaluate across solid angle. Must be one of `'ashrae', 'physical', 'martin_ruiz', 'sapm', 'schlick'`. surface_tilt : numeric Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees. The tilt angle is defined as degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90). **kwargs Extra parameters passed to the IAM function. Returns ------- iam : dict IAM values for each type of diffuse irradiance: * 'sky': radiation from the sky dome (zenith <= 90) * 'horizon': radiation from the region of the sky near the horizon (89.5 <= zenith <= 90) * 'ground': radiation reflected from the ground (zenith >= 90) See [1]_ for a detailed description of each class. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.marion_integrate References ---------- .. [1] B. Marion "Numerical method for angle-of-incidence correction factors for diffuse radiation incident photovoltaic modules", Solar Energy, Volume 147, Pages 344-348. 2017. :doi:`10.1016/j.solener.2017.03.027` Examples -------- >>> marion_diffuse('physical', surface_tilt=20) {'sky': 0.9539178294437575, 'horizon': 0.7652650139134007, 'ground': 0.6387140117795903} >>> marion_diffuse('ashrae', [20, 30], b=0.04) {'sky': array([0.96748999, 0.96938408]), 'horizon': array([0.86478428, 0.91825792]), 'ground': array([0.77004435, 0.8522436 ])} """ models = { 'physical': physical, 'ashrae': ashrae, 'sapm': sapm, 'martin_ruiz': martin_ruiz, 'schlick': schlick, } try: iam_model = models[model] except KeyError: raise ValueError('model must be one of: ' + str(list(models.keys()))) iam_function = functools.partial(iam_model, **kwargs) iam = {} for region in ['sky', 'horizon', 'ground']: iam[region] = marion_integrate(iam_function, surface_tilt, region) return iam
[docs]def marion_integrate(function, surface_tilt, region, num=None): """ Integrate an incidence angle modifier (IAM) function over solid angle to determine a diffuse irradiance correction factor using Marion's method. This lower-level function actually performs the IAM integration for the specified solid angle region. Parameters ---------- function : callable(aoi) The IAM function to evaluate across solid angle. The function must be vectorized and take only one parameter, the angle of incidence in degrees. surface_tilt : numeric Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees. The tilt angle is defined as degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90). region : {'sky', 'horizon', 'ground'} The region to integrate over. Must be one of: * 'sky': radiation from the sky dome (zenith <= 90) * 'horizon': radiation from the region of the sky near the horizon (89.5 <= zenith <= 90) * 'ground': radiation reflected from the ground (zenith >= 90) See [1]_ for a detailed description of each class. num : int, optional The number of increments in the zenith integration. If not specified, N will follow the values used in [1]_: * 'sky' or 'ground': num = 180 * 'horizon': num = 1800 Returns ------- iam : numeric AOI diffuse correction factor for the specified region. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.marion_diffuse References ---------- .. [1] B. Marion "Numerical method for angle-of-incidence correction factors for diffuse radiation incident photovoltaic modules", Solar Energy, Volume 147, Pages 344-348. 2017. :doi:`10.1016/j.solener.2017.03.027` Examples -------- >>> marion_integrate(pvlib.iam.ashrae, 20, 'sky') 0.9596085829811408 >>> from functools import partial >>> f = partial(pvlib.iam.physical, n=1.3) >>> marion_integrate(f, [20, 30], 'sky') array([0.96225034, 0.9653219 ]) """ if num is None: if region in ['sky', 'ground']: num = 180 elif region == 'horizon': num = 1800 else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid region: {region}') beta = np.radians(surface_tilt) if isinstance(beta, pd.Series): # convert Series to np array for broadcasting later beta = beta.values ai = np.pi/num # angular increment phi_range = np.linspace(0, np.pi, num, endpoint=False) psi_range = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2*num, endpoint=False) # the pseudocode in [1] do these checks at the end, but it's # faster to do this criteria check up front instead of later. if region == 'sky': mask = phi_range + ai <= np.pi/2 elif region == 'horizon': lo = 89.5 * np.pi/180 hi = np.pi/2 mask = (lo <= phi_range) & (phi_range + ai <= hi) elif region == 'ground': mask = (phi_range >= np.pi/2) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid region: {region}') phi_range = phi_range[mask] # fast Cartesian product of phi and psi angles = np.array(np.meshgrid(phi_range, psi_range)).T.reshape(-1, 2) # index with single-element lists to maintain 2nd dimension so that # these angle arrays broadcast across the beta array phi_1 = angles[:, [0]] psi_1 = angles[:, [1]] phi_2 = phi_1 + ai # psi_2 = psi_1 + ai # not needed phi_avg = phi_1 + 0.5*ai psi_avg = psi_1 + 0.5*ai term_1 = np.cos(beta) * np.cos(phi_avg) # The AOI formula includes a term based on the difference between # panel azimuth and the photon azimuth, but because we assume each class # of diffuse irradiance is isotropic and we are integrating over all # angles, it doesn't matter what panel azimuth we choose (i.e., the # system is rotationally invariant). So we choose gamma to be zero so # that we can omit it from the cos(psi_avg) term. # Marion's paper mentions this in the Section 3 pseudocode: # "set gamma to pi (or any value between 0 and 2pi)" term_2 = np.sin(beta) * np.sin(phi_avg) * np.cos(psi_avg) cosaoi = term_1 + term_2 aoi = np.arccos(cosaoi) # simplify Eq 8, (psi_2 - psi_1) is always ai dAs = ai * (np.cos(phi_1) - np.cos(phi_2)) cosaoi_dAs = cosaoi * dAs # apply the final AOI check, zeroing out non-passing points mask = aoi < np.pi/2 cosaoi_dAs = np.where(mask, cosaoi_dAs, 0) numerator = np.sum(function(np.degrees(aoi)) * cosaoi_dAs, axis=0) denominator = np.sum(cosaoi_dAs, axis=0) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # in some cases, no points pass the criteria # (e.g. region='ground', surface_tilt=0), so we override the division # by zero to set Fd=0. Also, preserve nans in beta. Fd = np.where((denominator != 0) | ~np.isfinite(beta), numerator / denominator, 0) # preserve input type if np.isscalar(surface_tilt): Fd = Fd.item() elif isinstance(surface_tilt, pd.Series): Fd = pd.Series(Fd, surface_tilt.index) return Fd
[docs]def schlick(aoi): """ Determine incidence angle modifier (IAM) for direct irradiance using the Schlick approximation to the Fresnel equations. The Schlick approximation was proposed in [1]_ as a computationally efficient alternative to computing the Fresnel factor in computer graphics contexts. This implementation is a normalized form of the equation in [1]_ so that it can be used as a PV IAM model. Unlike other IAM models, this model has no ability to describe different reflection profiles. In PV contexts, the Schlick approximation has been used as an analytically integrable alternative to the Fresnel equations for estimating IAM for diffuse irradiance [2]_ (see :py:func:`schlick_diffuse`). Parameters ---------- aoi : numeric The angle of incidence (AOI) between the module normal vector and the sun-beam vector. Angles of nan will result in nan. [degrees] Returns ------- iam : numeric The incident angle modifier. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.schlick_diffuse References ---------- .. [1] Schlick, C. An inexpensive BRDF model for physically-based rendering. Computer graphics forum 13 (1994). .. [2] Xie, Y., M. Sengupta, A. Habte, A. Andreas, "The 'Fresnel Equations' for Diffuse radiation on Inclined photovoltaic Surfaces (FEDIS)", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 161, 112362. June 2022. :doi:`10.1016/j.rser.2022.112362` """ iam = 1 - (1 - cosd(aoi)) ** 5 iam = np.where(np.abs(aoi) >= 90.0, 0.0, iam) # preserve input type if np.isscalar(aoi): iam = iam.item() elif isinstance(aoi, pd.Series): iam = pd.Series(iam, aoi.index) return iam
[docs]def schlick_diffuse(surface_tilt): r""" Determine the incidence angle modifiers (IAM) for diffuse sky and ground-reflected irradiance on a tilted surface using the Schlick incident angle model. The Schlick equation (or "Schlick's approximation") [1]_ is an approximation to the Fresnel reflection factor which can be recast as a simple photovoltaic IAM model like so: .. math:: IAM = 1 - (1 - \cos(aoi))^5 Unlike the Fresnel reflection factor itself, Schlick's approximation can be integrated analytically to derive a closed-form equation for diffuse IAM factors for the portions of the sky and ground visible from a tilted surface if isotropic distributions are assumed. This function implements the integration of the Schlick approximation provided by Xie et al. [2]_. Parameters ---------- surface_tilt : numeric Surface tilt angle measured from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90). [degrees] Returns ------- iam_sky : numeric The incident angle modifier for sky diffuse. iam_ground : numeric The incident angle modifier for ground-reflected diffuse. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.schlick Notes ----- The analytical integration of the Schlick approximation was derived as part of the FEDIS diffuse IAM model [2]_. Compared with the model implemented in this function, the FEDIS model includes an additional term to account for reflection off a pyranometer's glass dome. Because that reflection should already be accounted for in the instrument's calibration, the pvlib authors believe it is inappropriate to account for pyranometer reflection again in an IAM model. Thus, this function omits that term and implements only the integrated Schlick approximation. Note also that the output of this function (which is an exact integration) can be compared with the output of :py:func:`marion_diffuse` which numerically integrates the Schlick approximation: .. code:: >>> pvlib.iam.marion_diffuse('schlick', surface_tilt=20) {'sky': 0.9625000227247358, 'horizon': 0.7688174948510073, 'ground': 0.6267861879241405} >>> pvlib.iam.schlick_diffuse(surface_tilt=20) (0.9624993421569652, 0.6269387554469255) References ---------- .. [1] Schlick, C. An inexpensive BRDF model for physically-based rendering. Computer graphics forum 13 (1994). .. [2] Xie, Y., M. Sengupta, A. Habte, A. Andreas, "The 'Fresnel Equations' for Diffuse radiation on Inclined photovoltaic Surfaces (FEDIS)", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 161, 112362. June 2022. :doi:`10.1016/j.rser.2022.112362` """ # these calculations are as in [2]_, but with the refractive index # weighting coefficient w set to 1.0 (so it is omitted) # relative transmittance of sky diffuse radiation by PV cover: cosB = cosd(surface_tilt) sinB = sind(surface_tilt) cuk = (2 / (np.pi * (1 + cosB))) * ( (30/7)*np.pi - (160/21)*np.radians(surface_tilt) - (10/3)*np.pi*cosB + (160/21)*cosB*sinB - (5/3)*np.pi*cosB*sinB**2 + (20/7)*cosB*sinB**3 - (5/16)*np.pi*cosB*sinB**4 + (16/105)*cosB*sinB**5 ) # Eq 4 in [2] # relative transmittance of ground-reflected radiation by PV cover: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # Eq 6 in [2] cug = 40 / (21 * (1 - cosB)) - (1 + cosB) / (1 - cosB) * cuk cug = np.where(surface_tilt < 1e-6, 0, cug) # respect input types: if np.isscalar(surface_tilt): cuk = cuk.item() cug = cug.item() elif isinstance(surface_tilt, pd.Series): cuk = pd.Series(cuk, surface_tilt.index) cug = pd.Series(cug, surface_tilt.index) return cuk, cug
def _get_model(model_name): # check that model is implemented model_dict = {'ashrae': ashrae, 'martin_ruiz': martin_ruiz, 'physical': physical} try: model = model_dict[model_name] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError(f"The {model_name} model has not been " "implemented") return model def _check_params(model_name, params): # check that the parameters passed in with the model # belong to the model exp_params = _IAM_MODEL_PARAMS[model_name] if set(params.keys()) != exp_params: raise ValueError(f"The {model_name} model was expecting to be passed " "{', '.join(list(exp_params))}, but " "was handed {', '.join(list(params.keys()))}") def _sin_weight(aoi): return 1 - sind(aoi) def _residual(aoi, source_iam, target, target_params, weight=_sin_weight): # computes a sum of weighted differences between the source model # and target model, using the provided weight function weights = weight(aoi) # if aoi contains values outside of interval (0, 90), annihilate # the associated weights (we don't want IAM values from AOI outside # of (0, 90) to affect the fit; this is a possible issue when using # ``, but not an issue when using `iam.convert`, since in # that case aoi is defined internally) weights = weights * np.logical_and(aoi >= 0, aoi <= 90).astype(int) diff = np.abs(source_iam - np.nan_to_num(target(aoi, *target_params))) return np.sum(diff * weights) def _get_ashrae_intercept(b): # find x-intercept of ashrae model return acosd(b / (1 + b)) def _ashrae_to_physical(aoi, ashrae_iam, weight, fix_n, b): if fix_n: # the ashrae model has an x-intercept less than 90 # we solve for this intercept, and fix n so that the physical # model will have the same x-intercept intercept = _get_ashrae_intercept(b) n = sind(intercept) # with n fixed, we will optimize for L (recall that K and L always # appear in the physical model as a product, so it is enough to # optimize for just L, and to fix K=4) # we will pass n to the optimizer to simplify things later on, # but because we are setting (n, n) as the bounds, the optimizer # will leave n fixed bounds = [(1e-6, 0.08), (n, n)] guess = [0.002, n] else: # we don't fix n, so physical won't have same x-intercept as ashrae # the fit will be worse, but the parameters returned for the physical # model will be more realistic bounds = [(1e-6, 0.08), (0.8, 2)] # L, n guess = [0.002, 1.0] def residual_function(target_params): L, n = target_params return _residual(aoi, ashrae_iam, physical, [n, 4, L], weight) return residual_function, guess, bounds def _martin_ruiz_to_physical(aoi, martin_ruiz_iam, weight, a_r): # we will optimize for both n and L (recall that K and L always # appear in the physical model as a product, so it is enough to # optimize for just L, and to fix K=4) # set lower bound for n at 1.0 so that x-intercept will be at 90 # order for Powell's method depends on a_r value bounds = [(1e-6, 0.08), (1.05, 2)] # L, n guess = [0.002, 1.1] # L, n # get better results if we reverse order to n, L at high a_r if a_r > 0.22: bounds.reverse() guess.reverse() # the product of K and L is more important in determining an initial # guess for the location of the minimum, so we pass L in first def residual_function(target_params): # unpack target_params for either search order if target_params[0] < target_params[1]: # L will always be less than n L, n = target_params else: n, L = target_params return _residual(aoi, martin_ruiz_iam, physical, [n, 4, L], weight) return residual_function, guess, bounds def _minimize(residual_function, guess, bounds, xtol): if xtol is not None: options = {'xtol': xtol} else: options = None with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): optimize_result = minimize(residual_function, guess, method="powell", bounds=bounds, options=options) if not optimize_result.success: try: message = "Optimizer exited unsuccessfully:" \ + optimize_result.message except AttributeError: message = "Optimizer exited unsuccessfully: \ No message explaining the failure was returned. \ If you would like to see this message, please \ update your scipy version (try version 1.8.0 \ or beyond)." raise RuntimeError(message) return optimize_result def _process_return(target_name, optimize_result): if target_name == "ashrae": target_params = {'b': optimize_result.x.item()} elif target_name == "martin_ruiz": target_params = {'a_r': optimize_result.x.item()} elif target_name == "physical": L, n = optimize_result.x # have to unpack order because search order may be different if L > n: L, n = n, L target_params = {'n': n, 'K': 4, 'L': L} return target_params
[docs]def convert(source_name, source_params, target_name, weight=_sin_weight, fix_n=True, xtol=None): """ Convert a source IAM model to a target IAM model. Parameters ---------- source_name : str Name of the source model. Must be ``'ashrae'``, ``'martin_ruiz'``, or ``'physical'``. source_params : dict A dictionary of parameters for the source model. If source model is ``'ashrae'``, the dictionary must contain the key ``'b'``. If source model is ``'martin_ruiz'``, the dictionary must contain the key ``'a_r'``. If source model is ``'physical'``, the dictionary must contain the keys ``'n'``, ``'K'``, and ``'L'``. target_name : str Name of the target model. Must be ``'ashrae'``, ``'martin_ruiz'``, or ``'physical'``. weight : function, optional A single-argument function of AOI (degrees) that calculates weights for the residuals between models. Must return a float or an array-like object. The default weight function is :math:`f(aoi) = 1 - sin(aoi)`. fix_n : bool, default True A flag to determine which method is used when converting from the ASHRAE model to the physical model. When ``source_name`` is ``'ashrae'`` and ``target_name`` is ``'physical'``, if `fix_n` is ``True``, :py:func:`iam.convert` will fix ``n`` so that the returned physical model has the same x-intercept as the inputted ASHRAE model. Fixing ``n`` like this improves the fit of the conversion, but often returns unrealistic values for the parameters of the physical model. If more physically meaningful parameters are wanted, set `fix_n` to False. xtol : float, optional Passed to scipy.optimize.minimize. Returns ------- dict Parameters for the target model. If target model is ``'ashrae'``, the dictionary will contain the key ``'b'``. If target model is ``'martin_ruiz'``, the dictionary will contain the key ``'a_r'``. If target model is ``'physical'``, the dictionary will contain the keys ``'n'``, ``'K'``, and ``'L'``. Note ---- Target model parameters are determined by minimizing .. math:: \\sum_{\\theta=0}^{90} weight \\left(\\theta \\right) \\times \\| source \\left(\\theta \\right) - target \\left(\\theta \\right) \\| The sum is over :math:`\\theta = 0, 1, 2, ..., 90`. References ---------- .. [1] Jones, A. R., Hansen, C. W., Anderson, K. S. Parameter estimation for incidence angle modifier models for photovoltaic modules. Sandia report SAND2023-13944 (2023). See Also -------- pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.physical """ source = _get_model(source_name) target = _get_model(target_name) aoi = np.linspace(0, 90, 91) _check_params(source_name, source_params) source_iam = source(aoi, **source_params) if target_name == "physical": # we can do some special set-up to improve the fit when the # target model is physical if source_name == "ashrae": residual_function, guess, bounds = \ _ashrae_to_physical(aoi, source_iam, weight, fix_n, source_params['b']) elif source_name == "martin_ruiz": residual_function, guess, bounds = \ _martin_ruiz_to_physical(aoi, source_iam, weight, source_params['a_r']) else: # otherwise, target model is ashrae or martin_ruiz, and scipy # does fine without any special set-up bounds = [(1e-04, 1)] guess = [1e-03] def residual_function(target_param): return _residual(aoi, source_iam, target, target_param, weight) optimize_result = _minimize(residual_function, guess, bounds, xtol=xtol) return _process_return(target_name, optimize_result)
[docs]def fit(measured_aoi, measured_iam, model_name, weight=_sin_weight, xtol=None): """ Find model parameters that best fit the data. Parameters ---------- measured_aoi : array-like Angle of incidence values associated with the measured IAM values. [degrees] measured_iam : array-like IAM values. [unitless] model_name : str Name of the model to be fit. Must be ``'ashrae'``, ``'martin_ruiz'``, or ``'physical'``. weight : function, optional A single-argument function of AOI (degrees) that calculates weights for the residuals between models. Must return a float or an array-like object. The default weight function is :math:`f(aoi) = 1 - sin(aoi)`. xtol : float, optional Passed to scipy.optimize.minimize. Returns ------- dict Parameters for target model. If target model is ``'ashrae'``, the dictionary will contain the key ``'b'``. If target model is ``'martin_ruiz'``, the dictionary will contain the key ``'a_r'``. If target model is ``'physical'``, the dictionary will contain the keys ``'n'``, ``'K'``, and ``'L'``. References ---------- .. [1] Jones, A. R., Hansen, C. W., Anderson, K. S. Parameter estimation for incidence angle modifier models for photovoltaic modules. Sandia report SAND2023-13944 (2023). Note ---- Model parameters are determined by minimizing .. math:: \\sum_{AOI} weight \\left( AOI \\right) \\times \\| IAM \\left( AOI \\right) - model \\left( AOI \\right) \\| The sum is over ``measured_aoi`` and :math:`IAM \\left( AOI \\right)` is ``measured_IAM``. See Also -------- pvlib.iam.convert pvlib.iam.ashrae pvlib.iam.martin_ruiz pvlib.iam.physical """ target = _get_model(model_name) if model_name == "physical": bounds = [(0, 0.08), (1, 2)] guess = [0.002, 1+1e-08] def residual_function(target_params): L, n = target_params return _residual(measured_aoi, measured_iam, target, [n, 4, L], weight) # otherwise, target_name is martin_ruiz or ashrae else: bounds = [(1e-08, 1)] guess = [0.05] def residual_function(target_param): return _residual(measured_aoi, measured_iam, target, target_param, weight) optimize_result = _minimize(residual_function, guess, bounds, xtol) return _process_return(model_name, optimize_result)