- pvlib.iam.marion_diffuse(model, surface_tilt, **kwargs)[source]#
Determine diffuse irradiance incidence angle modifiers using Marion’s method of integrating over solid angle.
- Parameters:
model (str) – The IAM function to evaluate across solid angle. Must be one of ‘ashrae’, ‘physical’, ‘martin_ruiz’, ‘sapm’, ‘schlick’.
surface_tilt (numeric) – Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees. The tilt angle is defined as degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing horizon = 90).
**kwargs – Extra parameters passed to the IAM function.
- Returns:
iam (dict) – IAM values for each type of diffuse irradiance:
’sky’: radiation from the sky dome (zenith <= 90)
’horizon’: radiation from the region of the sky near the horizon (89.5 <= zenith <= 90)
’ground’: radiation reflected from the ground (zenith >= 90)
See [1] for a detailed description of each class.
See also
>>> marion_diffuse('physical', surface_tilt=20) {'sky': 0.9539178294437575, 'horizon': 0.7652650139134007, 'ground': 0.6387140117795903}
>>> marion_diffuse('ashrae', [20, 30], b=0.04) {'sky': array([0.96748999, 0.96938408]), 'horizon': array([0.86478428, 0.91825792]), 'ground': array([0.77004435, 0.8522436 ])}