
pvlib.pvsystem.calcparams_pvsyst(effective_irradiance, temp_cell, alpha_sc, gamma_ref, mu_gamma, I_L_ref, I_o_ref, R_sh_ref, R_sh_0, R_s, cells_in_series, R_sh_exp=5.5, EgRef=1.121, irrad_ref=1000, temp_ref=25)[source]

Calculates five parameter values for the single diode equation at effective irradiance and cell temperature using the PVsyst v6 model described in [1,2,3]. The five values returned by calcparams_pvsyst can be used by singlediode to calculate an IV curve.

effective_irradiance : numeric

The irradiance (W/m2) that is converted to photocurrent.

temp_cell : numeric

The average cell temperature of cells within a module in C.

alpha_sc : float

The short-circuit current temperature coefficient of the module in units of A/C.

gamma_ref : float

The diode ideality factor

mu_gamma : float

The temperature coefficient for the diode ideality factor, 1/K

I_L_ref : float

The light-generated current (or photocurrent) at reference conditions, in amperes.

I_o_ref : float

The dark or diode reverse saturation current at reference conditions, in amperes.

R_sh_ref : float

The shunt resistance at reference conditions, in ohms.

R_sh_0 : float

The shunt resistance at zero irradiance conditions, in ohms.

R_s : float

The series resistance at reference conditions, in ohms.

cells_in_series : integer

The number of cells connected in series.

R_sh_exp : float

The exponent in the equation for shunt resistance, unitless. Defaults to 5.5.

EgRef : float

The energy bandgap at reference temperature in units of eV. 1.121 eV for crystalline silicon. EgRef must be >0.

irrad_ref : float (optional, default=1000)

Reference irradiance in W/m^2.

temp_ref : float (optional, default=25)

Reference cell temperature in C.

Tuple of the following results:
photocurrent : numeric

Light-generated current in amperes

saturation_current : numeric

Diode saturation current in amperes

resistance_series : float

Series resistance in ohms

resistance_shunt : numeric

Shunt resistance in ohms

nNsVth : numeric

The product of the usual diode ideality factor (n, unitless), number of cells in series (Ns), and cell thermal voltage at specified effective irradiance and cell temperature.


[1] K. Sauer, T. Roessler, C. W. Hansen, Modeling the Irradiance and
Temperature Dependence of Photovoltaic Modules in PVsyst, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics v5(1), January 2015.
[2] A. Mermoud, PV modules modelling, Presentation at the 2nd PV
Performance Modeling Workshop, Santa Clara, CA, May 2013
[3] A. Mermoud, T. Lejeune, Performance Assessment of a Simulation Model
for PV modules of any available technology, 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 2010