
pvlib.singlediode.bishop88_i_from_v(voltage, photocurrent, saturation_current, resistance_series, resistance_shunt, nNsVth, method='newton')[source]

Find current given any voltage.

voltage : numeric

voltage (V) in volts [V]

photocurrent : numeric

photogenerated current (Iph or IL) in amperes [A]

saturation_current : numeric

diode dark or saturation current (Io or Isat) in amperes [A]

resistance_series : numeric

series resistance (Rs) in ohms

resistance_shunt : numeric

shunt resistance (Rsh) in ohms

nNsVth : numeric

product of diode ideality factor (n), number of series cells (Ns), and thermal voltage (Vth = k_b * T / q_e) in volts [V]

method : str

one of two optional search methods: either 'brentq', a reliable and bounded method or 'newton' which is the default.

current : numeric

current (I) at the specified voltage (V) in amperes [A]