
class pvlib.location.Location(latitude, longitude, tz='UTC', altitude=0, name=None)[source]

Location objects are convenient containers for latitude, longitude, timezone, and altitude data associated with a particular geographic location. You can also assign a name to a location object.

Location objects have two timezone attributes:

  • tz is a IANA timezone string.

  • pytz is a pytz timezone object.

Location objects support the print method.

  • latitude (float.) – Positive is north of the equator. Use decimal degrees notation.

  • longitude (float.) – Positive is east of the prime meridian. Use decimal degrees notation.

  • tz (str, int, float, or pytz.timezone, default 'UTC'.) – See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones for a list of valid time zones. pytz.timezone objects will be converted to strings. ints and floats must be in hours from UTC.

  • altitude (float, default 0.) – Altitude from sea level in meters.

  • name (None or string, default None.) – Sets the name attribute of the Location object.


__init__(latitude, longitude[, tz, …])

Initialize self.

from_epw(metadata[, data])

Create a Location object based on a metadata dictionary from epw data readers.

from_tmy(tmy_metadata[, tmy_data])

Create an object based on a metadata dictionary from tmy2 or tmy3 data readers.

get_airmass([times, solar_position, model])

Calculate the relative and absolute airmass.

get_clearsky(times[, model, solar_position, …])

Calculate the clear sky estimates of GHI, DNI, and/or DHI at this location.

get_solarposition(times[, pressure, temperature])

Uses the pvlib.solarposition.get_solarposition() function to calculate the solar zenith, azimuth, etc.

get_sun_rise_set_transit(times[, method])

Calculate sunrise, sunset and transit times.