
pvlib.solarposition.spa_python(time, latitude, longitude, altitude=0, pressure=101325, temperature=12, delta_t=67.0, atmos_refract=None, how='numpy', numthreads=4, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculate the solar position using a python implementation of the NREL SPA algorithm.

The details of the NREL SPA algorithm are described in 1.

If numba is installed, the functions can be compiled to machine code and the function can be multithreaded. Without numba, the function evaluates via numpy with a slight performance hit.

  • time (pandas.DatetimeIndex) – Must be localized or UTC will be assumed.

  • latitude (float) – Latitude in decimal degrees. Positive north of equator, negative to south.

  • longitude (float) – Longitude in decimal degrees. Positive east of prime meridian, negative to west.

  • altitude (float, default 0) – Distance above sea level.

  • pressure (int or float, optional, default 101325) – avg. yearly air pressure in Pascals.

  • temperature (int or float, optional, default 12) – avg. yearly air temperature in degrees C.

  • delta_t (float, optional, default 67.0) – Difference between terrestrial time and UT1. If delta_t is None, uses spa.calculate_deltat using time.year and time.month from pandas.DatetimeIndex. For most simulations the default delta_t is sufficient. Note: delta_t = None will break code using nrel_numba, this will be fixed in a future version. The USNO has historical and forecasted delta_t 3.

  • atmos_refrac (None or float, optional, default None) – The approximate atmospheric refraction (in degrees) at sunrise and sunset.

  • how (str, optional, default 'numpy') – Options are ‘numpy’ or ‘numba’. If numba >= 0.17.0 is installed, how=’numba’ will compile the spa functions to machine code and run them multithreaded.

  • numthreads (int, optional, default 4) – Number of threads to use if how == ‘numba’.


DataFrame – The DataFrame will have the following columns: apparent_zenith (degrees), zenith (degrees), apparent_elevation (degrees), elevation (degrees), azimuth (degrees), equation_of_time (minutes).



I. Reda and A. Andreas, Solar position algorithm for solar radiation applications. Solar Energy, vol. 76, no. 5, pp. 577-589, 2004.


I. Reda and A. Andreas, Corrigendum to Solar position algorithm for solar radiation applications. Solar Energy, vol. 81, no. 6, p. 838, 2007.


USNO delta T: http://www.usno.navy.mil/USNO/earth-orientation/eo-products/long-term

See also

pyephem, spa_c, ephemeris