
SingleAxisTracker.faiman_celltemp(poa_global, temp_air, wind_speed=1.0)#

Deprecated since version 0.9: The faiman_celltemp function was deprecated in pvlib 0.9 and will be removed in 0.10.0. Use PVSystem.get_cell_temperature instead.

Use pvlib.temperature.faiman() to calculate cell temperature.

  • poa_global (numeric or tuple of numeric) – Total incident irradiance [W/m^2].

  • temp_air (numeric or tuple of numeric) – Ambient dry bulb temperature [C].

  • wind_speed (numeric or tuple of numeric, default 1.0) – Wind speed in m/s measured at the same height for which the wind loss factor was determined. The default value 1.0 m/s is the wind speed at module height used to determine NOCT. [m/s]


numeric or tuple of numeric – values in degrees C.


The temp_air and wind_speed parameters may be passed as tuples to provide different values for each Array in the system. If not passed as a tuple then the same value is used for input to each Array. If passed as a tuple the length must be the same as the number of Arrays.