
pvlib.iotools.get_solcast_historic(latitude, longitude, start, api_key, end=None, duration=None, map_variables=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Get historical irradiance and weather estimates.

for up to 31 days of data at a time for a requested location, derived from satellite (clouds and irradiance over non-polar continental areas) and numerical weather models (other data). Data is available from 2007-01-01T00:00Z up to real time estimated actuals.

  • latitude (float) – in decimal degrees, between -90 and 90, north is positive

  • longitude (float) – in decimal degrees, between -180 and 180, east is positive

  • start (datetime-like) – First day of the requested period

  • end (optional, datetime-like) – Last day of the requested period. Must include one of end or duration.

  • duration (optional, ISO 8601 compliant duration) – Must include either end or duration. ISO 8601 compliant duration for the historic data, like “P1D” for one day of data. Must be within 31 days of start.

  • map_variables (bool, default: True) – When true, renames columns of the DataFrame to pvlib variable names where applicable. See variable VARIABLE_MAP. Time is the index shifted to the midpoint of each interval from Solcast’s “period end” convention.

  • api_key (str) – To access Solcast data you will need an API key 1.

  • kwargs – Optional parameters passed to the API. See 2 for full list of parameters.


  • data (pandas.DataFrame) – containing the values for the parameters requested. The times in the DataFrame index indicate the midpoint of each interval.

  • metadata (dict) – latitude and longitude of the request.


>>> df, meta = pvlib.iotools.solcast.get_solcast_historic(
>>>     latitude=-33.856784,
>>>     longitude=151.215297,
>>>     start='2007-01-01T00:00Z',
>>>     duration='P1D',
>>>     api_key="your-key"
>>> )

you can pass any of the parameters listed in the API docs, for example using the end parameter instead

>>> df, meta = pvlib.iotools.solcast.get_solcast_historic(
>>>     latitude=-33.856784,
>>>     longitude=151.215297,
>>>     start='2007-01-01T00:00Z',
>>>     end='2007-01-02T00:00Z',
>>>     api_key="your-key"
>>> )



Get an API Key


Solcast API Docs