- Location.get_clearsky(times, model='ineichen', solar_position=None, dni_extra=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Calculate the clear sky estimates of GHI, DNI, and/or DHI at this location.
- Parameters:
times (DatetimeIndex)
model (str, default 'ineichen') – The clear sky model to use. Must be one of ‘ineichen’, ‘haurwitz’, ‘simplified_solis’.
solar_position (DataFrame, optional) – DataFrame with columns ‘apparent_zenith’, ‘zenith’, ‘apparent_elevation’.
dni_extra (numeric, optional) – If not specified, will be calculated from times.
kwargs – Extra parameters passed to the relevant functions. Climatological values are assumed in many cases. See source code for details!
- Returns:
clearsky (DataFrame) – Column names are:
ghi, dni, dhi
Examples using pvlib.location.Location.get_clearsky

Modelling shading losses in modules with bypass diodes
Modelling shading losses in modules with bypass diodes