- pvlib.singlediode.bishop88_mpp(photocurrent, saturation_current, resistance_series, resistance_shunt, nNsVth, d2mutau=0, NsVbi=inf, breakdown_factor=0.0, breakdown_voltage=-5.5, breakdown_exp=3.28, method='newton', method_kwargs=None)[source]#
Find max power point.
- Parameters:
photocurrent (numeric) – photogenerated current (Iph or IL) [A]
saturation_current (numeric) – diode dark or saturation current (Io or Isat) [A]
resistance_series (numeric) – series resistance (Rs) in [Ohm]
resistance_shunt (numeric) – shunt resistance (Rsh) [Ohm]
nNsVth (numeric) – product of diode ideality factor (n), number of series cells (Ns), and thermal voltage (Vth = k_b * T / q_e) in volts [V]
d2mutau (numeric, default 0) – PVsyst parameter for cadmium-telluride (CdTe) and amorphous-silicon (a-Si) modules that accounts for recombination current in the intrinsic layer. The value is the ratio of intrinsic layer thickness squared \(d^2\) to the diffusion length of charge carriers \(\mu \tau\). [V]
NsVbi (numeric, default np.inf) – PVsyst parameter for cadmium-telluride (CdTe) and amorphous-silicon (a-Si) modules that is the product of the PV module number of series cells
and the builtin voltageVbi
of the intrinsic layer. [V].breakdown_factor (numeric, default 0) – fraction of ohmic current involved in avalanche breakdown \(a\). Default of 0 excludes the reverse bias term from the model. [unitless]
breakdown_voltage (numeric, default -5.5) – reverse breakdown voltage of the photovoltaic junction \(V_{br}\) [V]
breakdown_exp (numeric, default 3.28) – avalanche breakdown exponent \(m\) [unitless]
method (str, default 'newton') – Either
. ‘’method’’ must be'newton'
is not 0.method_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments passed to root finder method. See
parameters.'full_output': True
is allowed, andoptimizer_output
would be returned. See examples section.
- Returns:
tuple – max power current
[A], max power voltagev_mp
[V], and max powerp_mp
[W]optimizer_output (tuple, optional, if specified in
) – see root finder documentation for selected method. Found root is diode voltage in [1].
Using the following arguments that may come from any calcparams_.* function in
:>>> args = {'photocurrent': 1., 'saturation_current': 9e-10, 'nNsVth': 4., ... 'resistance_series': 4., 'resistance_shunt': 5000.0}
Use default values:
>>> i_mp, v_mp, p_mp = bishop88_mpp(**args)
Specify tolerances and maximum number of iterations:
>>> i_mp, v_mp, p_mp = bishop88_mpp(**args, method='newton', ... method_kwargs={'tol': 1e-3, 'rtol': 1e-3, 'maxiter': 20})
Retrieve full output from the root finder:
>>> (i_mp, v_mp, p_mp), method_output = bishop88_mpp(**args, ... method='newton', method_kwargs={'full_output': True})