- pvlib.ivtools.sdm.fit_desoto_sandia(ivcurves, specs, const=None, maxiter=5, eps1=0.001)[source]#
Estimate parameters for the De Soto module performance model.
- Parameters:
ivcurves (dict) –
- iarray
One array element for each IV curve. The jth element is itself an array of current for jth IV curve (same length as v[j]) [A]
- varray
One array element for each IV curve. The jth element is itself an array of voltage for jth IV curve (same length as i[j]) [V]
- eearray
effective irradiance for each IV curve, i.e., POA broadband irradiance adjusted by solar spectrum modifier [W / m^2]
- tcarray
cell temperature for each IV curve [C]
- i_scarray
short circuit current for each IV curve [A]
- v_ocarray
open circuit voltage for each IV curve [V]
- i_mparray
current at max power point for each IV curve [A]
- v_mparray
voltage at max power point for each IV curve [V]
specs (dict) –
- cells_in_seriesint
number of cells in series
- alpha_scfloat
temperature coefficient of Isc [A/C]
- beta_vocfloat
temperature coefficient of Voc [V/C]
const (dict) –
- E0float
effective irradiance at STC, default 1000 [W/m^2]
- T0float
cell temperature at STC, default 25 [C]
- kfloat
Boltzmann’s constant [J/K]
- qfloat
elementary charge [Coulomb]
maxiter (int, default 5) – input that sets the maximum number of iterations for the parameter updating part of the algorithm.
eps1 (float, default 1e-3) – Tolerance for the IV curve fitting. The parameter updating stops when absolute values of the percent change in mean, max and standard deviation of Imp, Vmp and Pmp between iterations are all less than eps1, or when the number of iterations exceeds maxiter.
- Returns:
dict –
- I_L_reffloat
Light current at STC [A]
- I_o_reffloat
Dark current at STC [A]
- EgReffloat
Effective band gap at STC [eV]
- R_sfloat
Series resistance at STC [ohm]
- R_sh_reffloat
Shunt resistance at STC [ohm]
- cells_in_seriesint
Number of cells in series
- ipharray
Light current for each IV curve [A]
- ioarray
Dark current for each IV curve [A]
- rsarray
Series resistance for each IV curve [ohm]
- rsharray
Shunt resistance for each IV curve [ohm]
- a_reffloat
The product of the usual diode ideality factor (n, unitless), number of cells in series (Ns), and cell thermal voltage at reference conditions, in units of V.
- dEgdTfloat
The temperature dependence of the energy bandgap (Eg) at reference conditions [1/K].
- uarray
Boolean for each IV curve indicating that the parameter values are deemed reasonable by the private function
The De Soto module performance model is described in [1]. The fitting method is documented in [2], [3]. Ported from PVLib Matlab [4].