- pvlib.pvsystem.calcparams_cec(effective_irradiance, temp_cell, alpha_sc, a_ref, I_L_ref, I_o_ref, R_sh_ref, R_s, Adjust, EgRef=1.121, dEgdT=-0.0002677, irrad_ref=1000, temp_ref=25)[source]#
Calculates five parameter values for the single diode equation at effective irradiance and cell temperature using the CEC model. The CEC model [1] differs from the De soto et al. model [3] by the parameter Adjust. The five values returned by calcparams_cec can be used by singlediode to calculate an IV curve.
- Parameters:
effective_irradiance (numeric) – The irradiance (W/m2) that is converted to photocurrent.
temp_cell (numeric) – The average cell temperature of cells within a module in C.
alpha_sc (float) – The short-circuit current temperature coefficient of the module in units of A/C.
a_ref (float) – The product of the usual diode ideality factor (n, unitless), number of cells in series (Ns), and cell thermal voltage at reference conditions, in units of V.
I_L_ref (float) – The light-generated current (or photocurrent) at reference conditions, in amperes.
I_o_ref (float) – The dark or diode reverse saturation current at reference conditions, in amperes.
R_sh_ref (float) – The shunt resistance at reference conditions, in ohms.
R_s (float) – The series resistance at reference conditions, in ohms.
Adjust (float) – The adjustment to the temperature coefficient for short circuit current, in percent
EgRef (float) – The energy bandgap at reference temperature in units of eV. 1.121 eV for crystalline silicon. EgRef must be >0. For parameters from the SAM CEC module database, EgRef=1.121 is implicit for all cell types in the parameter estimation algorithm used by NREL.
dEgdT (float) – The temperature dependence of the energy bandgap at reference conditions in units of 1/K. May be either a scalar value (e.g. -0.0002677 as in [3]) or a DataFrame (this may be useful if dEgdT is a modeled as a function of temperature). For parameters from the SAM CEC module database, dEgdT=-0.0002677 is implicit for all cell types in the parameter estimation algorithm used by NREL.
irrad_ref (float, default 1000) – Reference irradiance in W/m^2.
temp_ref (float, default 25) – Reference cell temperature in C.
- Returns:
Tuple of the following results
photocurrent (numeric) – Light-generated current in amperes
saturation_current (numeric) – Diode saturation curent in amperes
resistance_series (numeric) – Series resistance in ohms
resistance_shunt (numeric) – Shunt resistance in ohms
nNsVth (numeric) – The product of the usual diode ideality factor (n, unitless), number of cells in series (Ns), and cell thermal voltage at specified effective irradiance and cell temperature.
See also