IO Tools#

Functions for retrieving, reading, and writing data from a variety of sources and file formats relevant to solar energy modeling.


Read a TMY2 file into a DataFrame.

iotools.read_tmy3(filename[, coerce_year, ...])

Read a TMY3 file into a pandas dataframe.

iotools.read_epw(filename[, coerce_year])

Read an EPW file in to a pandas dataframe.

iotools.parse_epw(csvdata[, coerce_year])

Given a file-like buffer with data in Energy Plus Weather (EPW) format, parse the data into a dataframe.

iotools.read_srml(filename[, map_variables])

Read University of Oregon SRML 1min .tsv file into pandas dataframe.

iotools.get_srml(station, start, end[, ...])

Request data from UoO SRML and read it into a Dataframe.

iotools.read_surfrad(filename[, map_variables])

Read in a daily NOAA SURFRAD file.

iotools.read_midc(filename[, variable_map, ...])

Read in National Renewable Energy Laboratory Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center weather data.

iotools.read_midc_raw_data_from_nrel(site, ...)

Request and read MIDC data directly from the raw data api.

iotools.read_crn(filename[, map_variables])

Read a NOAA USCRN fixed-width file into a pandas dataframe.


Read NOAA SOLRAD fixed-width file into pandas dataframe.

iotools.get_solrad(station, start, end[, url])

Request data from NOAA SOLRAD and read it into a Dataframe.

iotools.get_psm3(latitude, longitude, ...[, ...])

Retrieve NSRDB PSM3 timeseries weather data from the PSM3 API.

iotools.read_psm3(filename[, map_variables])

Read an NSRDB PSM3 weather file (formatted as SAM CSV).

iotools.parse_psm3(fbuf[, map_variables])

Parse an NSRDB PSM3 weather file (formatted as SAM CSV).

iotools.get_pvgis_tmy(latitude, longitude[, ...])

Get TMY data from PVGIS.

iotools.read_pvgis_tmy(filename[, ...])

Read a file downloaded from PVGIS.

iotools.get_pvgis_hourly(latitude, longitude)

Get hourly solar irradiation and modeled PV power output from PVGIS.

iotools.read_pvgis_hourly(filename[, ...])

Read a PVGIS hourly file.

iotools.get_pvgis_horizon(latitude, longitude)

Get horizon data from PVGIS.

iotools.get_bsrn(station, start, end, ...[, ...])

Retrieve ground measured irradiance data from the BSRN FTP server.

iotools.read_bsrn(filename[, logical_records])

Read a BSRN station-to-archive file into a DataFrame.

iotools.parse_bsrn(fbuf[, logical_records])

Parse a file-like buffer of a BSRN station-to-archive file.

iotools.get_cams(latitude, longitude, start, ...)

Retrieve irradiance and clear-sky time series from CAMS.

iotools.read_cams(filename[, integrated, ...])

Read a CAMS Radiation or McClear file into a pandas DataFrame.

iotools.parse_cams(fbuf[, integrated, ...])

Parse a file-like buffer with data in the format of a CAMS Radiation or McClear file.

iotools.get_acis_prism(latitude, longitude, ...)

Retrieve estimated daily precipitation and temperature data from PRISM via the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS).

iotools.get_acis_nrcc(latitude, longitude, ...)

Retrieve estimated daily precipitation and temperature data from the Northeast Regional Climate Center via the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS).

iotools.get_acis_mpe(latitude, longitude, ...)

Retrieve estimated daily Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimates via the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS).

iotools.get_acis_station_data(station, ...)

Retrieve weather station climate records via the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS).

iotools.get_acis_available_stations(...[, ...])

List weather stations in a given area available from the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS).

iotools.read_panond(filename[, encoding])

Retrieve Module or Inverter data from a .pan or .ond text file, respectively.

iotools.get_solaranywhere(latitude, ...[, ...])

Retrieve historical irradiance time series data from SolarAnywhere.

iotools.read_solaranywhere(filename[, ...])

Read a SolarAnywhere formatted file into a pandas DataFrame.

iotools.get_solcast_tmy(latitude, longitude, ...)

Get irradiance and weather for a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) at a requested location.

iotools.get_solcast_historic(latitude, ...)

Get historical irradiance and weather estimates.

iotools.get_solcast_forecast(latitude, ...)

Get irradiance and weather forecasts from the present time up to 14 days ahead.

iotools.get_solcast_live(latitude, ...[, ...])

Get irradiance and weather estimated actuals for near real-time and past 7 days.

iotools.get_solargis(latitude, longitude, ...)

Retrieve irradiance time series data from Solargis.

A Location object may be created from metadata in some files.

location.Location.from_tmy(tmy_metadata[, ...])

Create an object based on a metadata dictionary from tmy2 or tmy3 data readers.

location.Location.from_epw(metadata[, data])

Create a Location object based on a metadata dictionary from epw data readers.